The Limited Times

Getaways to the sea less than three hours from Paris: Ostend, the Belgian seaside resort not to be missed

8/20/2022, 8:18:38 AM

All summer long, we offer you ideas for iodized walks without breaking the bank or crossing France. This week: the Belgian seaside town of

Do not stop in Brussels.

Not even in Bruges, the “Venice of the North”.

However, it would be easy and even logical, but the train still travels a quarter of an hour to the sea, to Ostend.

Less than three hours from Paris, and yet so far.

“Oostende bonsoir”, as Arno sings, but bonjour to understand a single word of Flemish.

This is part of the charm: the change of scenery is almost accelerated, here in "Ost-End", at the very end of the East.

That of the northern beaches.

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