The Limited Times

Olivier Dussopt wants to "turn the page on social democracy"

8/20/2022, 10:30:22 PM

Social democracy has "no longer any meaning" and must give way to a "progressivism" on the left, defends the Minister of Labor in a column in the Sunday newspaper.

We will not rebuild social democracy!

", affirms the ex-socialist Olivier Dussopt in an op-ed in the Sunday newspaper, "

for the simple and good reason that the lazy shifts towards the extreme left, in a counter-historical movement, have deprived the word of its meaning: it no longer has any meaning and no longer indicates a direction


And Olivier Dussopt calls for “

turning a page and fully claiming progressivism

”, defined as the aspiration for “

social, societal and scientific, industrial and human, educational and environmental

” progress.

Read alsoSalaries: Dussopt puts pressure on branches with minimums below the minimum wage

Progressivism “

puts the whole of society in motion, never in a forced march, but in dialogue, consultation, listening;

a method which, under the leadership of the President of the Republic, will support the development of our pay-as-you-go pension system

,” he continues.

A development which should allow new progress such as the increase in small pensions to 1,100 euros, as important for social justice as the introduction of the minimum wage.


Progressivism has the possibility of expressing itself within Renaissance

”, he wants to believe: “

There is all its place.

But it will not stop there, simply because great aspirations always go beyond the framework of parties.

In this logic, it is now necessary that the progressives meet, invent and propose.

They have to speak to each other clearly, to speak clearly to the French.
