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Opinion Iran is already nuclear. Why do you need an agreement? | Israel today

8/20/2022, 9:18:33 PM

The US rushes to sign a new nuclear agreement with Iran • Past experience shows that a radical and aggressive force cannot be stopped only with smiles, favors and agreements that buy peace for a while

As in a marathon race, interspersed with ups and downs, the international community led by the US is rushing towards signing a new nuclear agreement with Iran.

There are those who worry, among both parties to the negotiations, to create a heavy screen of smoke to "confuse the enemy".

Unfortunately, the enemy in our case is not Tehran, but rather the opponents of the agreement with it, led by Israel.

But the end of the fog of battle to dissipate.

Indeed, in recent days it is becoming clear that despite the reports of a hardening of positions to the point of a deadlock and even a crisis in the talks with Iran, in fact the parties are moving towards a decision.

President Biden's administration did not hide from the first moment of his term, that he is determined to achieve an agreement at almost any cost that will allow the US to "close the Iranian case", and even to detach itself from the problems of the Middle East, of which Iran is the main one.

The Iranians, for their part, are also interested in an agreement that will lead to the removal of the economic sanctions imposed on them.

But it must be admitted that they seek an agreement with less enthusiasm and determination than the Americans demonstrate, hence the exorbitant price they demand in return and that the Americans are probably willing to pay.

There are those in Iran, especially among the conservative and radical camp, who see isolation from the world and the atmosphere of closure and blockade imposed on them by the West as a blessing.

After all, there is nothing like the feeling that "the whole world is against us" to ensure the survival of the Ayatollah regime and the population's support for it.

In any case, the West repeated the mistakes of the past against the Taliban, Saddam Hussein's Iraq or Russia, assuming that economic sanctions can bring down a regime or bring about a change in its positions.

From this the Iranians' dragging their feet will be understood, which is not just a tactic of buying and selling but an expression of the dilemma of the supreme leader and his people if Iran needs an agreement at all.

But even Khamenei has no real reason to oppose the improved deal that was placed on his table.

After all, it does not limit Iran's ability to try to promote its influence in the region, subvert Arab regimes and encourage terrorist acts against Israel.

It also does not prohibit the development of advanced weapons, such as missiles designed to one day carry nuclear warheads, and most importantly - Iran is not required to give up facilities, equipment and materials it has built or purchased.

So why do we need an agreement?

There is no disputing that the Iranians have made significant progress towards nuclear power over the past few years.

This, despite the fact that the attempts to stop it slowed down its progress and bought valuable time, which allows better preparation for the future to come against a nuclear Iran.

It is also clear that the Iranians will need more time to produce a living, breathing bomb, and even more to produce the ability to launch it on top of missiles or drop it from a fighter jet.

But this is an irreversible process, and in any case, an Iranian announcement of obtaining a nuclear capability, even without "receipts" such as a nuclear test, is enough to provoke a god-awful riot in the region.

As part of the proposed agreement, Iran is asked to sit quietly, and not "tell the guys out loud" that it has a nuclear capability.

As far as the Iranians are concerned, the matter is neither up nor down.

After all, the agreement allows them to preserve everything they have achieved so far.

In any case, they would want to break through to the core, although it can be assumed that in the meantime they would prefer to maintain a fog of battle and avoid a defiant step that is not necessary and required for the current stage of their struggle for regional hegemony and against Israel.

However, past experience shows that it is not possible to stop a radical and aggressive power such as Iran only with smiles, favors and agreements that buy peace for a while, but do not really lead to a change in direction and path.

After all, the dark forces always strive to achieve and demonstrate power, and in our case nuclear capability, because the logic that guides them is that only by force will they ensure their survival and future.

The Iranian bomb has not been neutralized, therefore, and even if the ticking of the stopwatch will slow down - the explosion will come.

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