The Limited Times

Seine-et-Marne: two dead in a ULM crash during a first flight

8/20/2022, 5:54:45 PM

A pilot and his client who were taking off for a first flight suddenly fell above the runways of the Meaux-Esbly aerodrome. An e

Dramatic accident this Saturday: a ULM which had just taken off for a first flight at the Meaux-Esbly aerodrome in Isles-les-Villenoy at midday was 50 or 60 meters from the ground when it suddenly fell above the tracks at 12:48 p.m. according to the gendarmes of the Compagnie de Meaux.

The 33-year-old pilot and his 50-year-old client died instantly.

The first lived in Pré-Saint-Gervais (Seine-Saint-Denis), the second in Torcy.

How could such a tragedy occur when the same pilot had performed a first flight on the same machine with another client a little before?

An investigation is opened, carried out jointly by the Meaux research brigade, the Esbly brigade, the Research Section and the air transport gendarmerie brigade of Roissy Charles-de-Gaulle, as well as the investigation and investigation office. analyzes (BEA) for the technical aspect.

Many witnesses in shock

Contacted, the flight provider, the company France ULM, was unreachable yesterday.

The witnesses of the accident were very quickly summoned for hearings while the BEA mobilized the French ULM team on the remains of the machine crushed on the ground for the first observations.

According to the second-in-command of the Meaux company, "everyone was in shock there, the France ULM team, the customers present and their families, and even the controllers of the control tower who saw the falling from their eyes…”

This is unfortunately not the first time that the sky of Seine-et-Marne has experienced ULM crashes.

Recently, on November 18, 2021, a man who was piloting an ultralight aircraft considered to be an ULM crashed after hitting a relay antenna in Mareuil-lès-Meaux.

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