The Limited Times

Seven years waiting for Madrid to pay the million that it cost to search for the remains of the victim of the Majadahonda dismemberer

8/20/2022, 6:00:17 PM

The Ayuso government, bound by a court ruling, approved in July to pay the Pinto landfill company for the investigation it carried out in 2015

A machine spreads the waste in the joint garbage dump in the Pinto municipality. KIKE PARA

Chilling words appear on the long table of the governing council of the Community of Madrid.

"Body Search".



It occurs on July 20, at the last meeting of the conclave of politicians before the summer holidays, and this unexpected issue confronts the advisers of Isabel Díaz Ayuso with a judicial sentence: the Supreme Court forces them to approve the payment of 1.4 million euros to the management company of the Pinto landfill, in compensation for the expenses incurred by it to search for the remains of one of the victims of the Majadahonda dismemberer.

That happened in 2015. It's been seven years of waiting with a million-dollar bill pending.

And an unsolved mystery surrounding the two murdered women.

It is known who the victims of Bruno Hernández (1984) were: his aunt, first;

and years later, his tenant.

One of the key tools in the crime is also known: a Braher model P-22 industrial grinder bought in 2008 for 1,189.5 euros.

It has also been shown how the murderer, diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, tried to hide his traces.

He said about his aunt that she had moved away, and she told the rest of her relatives that she no longer wanted to know anything about them.

He supplanted her tenant by writing a letter in which she informed her employer that she was leaving her job;

and she traveled with her cell phone to Barcelona to try to mislead investigators and relatives.

However, the remains of the two women were never found, despite the mobilization of the Pinto landfill operators.

The first had been dead for years, according to investigators.

And finding the remains of the second among the 20,000 tons of waste was an impossible mission.

“In both cases, the violent death of the two women is confirmed by the biological remains found in the crushing machine found in the basement of Calle Sacedilla nº 6 in Majadahonda, and in the case of Adriana, by the traces of blood found on the walls. , floor and ceiling of the aforementioned house, all this despite the fact that the bodies had not been discovered ”, details the sentence of the Provincial Court of Madrid, which in 2017 sentenced the accused to 27 years in prison, a decision that was ratified in 2018 by the Supreme Court.

"The convicted person made the bodies disappear by hiding them in an unknown place, since the industrial meat grinder was powerful, capable of grinding meat and bones," adds the ruling.

"Subsequently, Adriana's body was searched at the Pinto landfill between May 28 and December 22, 2015,

without positive result since it was a crushed body.

The cost of said search was 1,446,698.40 euros”.

Why has it taken almost a decade for the Community of Madrid to pay the 1.4 million euros that the search for the remains in the Pinto landfill cost?

What explains this delay in compensating for the hiring of new operators to speed up the work, and the enabling of an afternoon shift to speed up the investigation?

The General Directorate of Justice and Security of the regional government refused to pay, arguing that the cost should be included in the appraisal of costs that would be carried out on the day of the trial, so that whoever was convicted would take charge.

An argument that did not convince the landfill management company, which is private and acted precisely by order of the court.

In February of this year, the justice system proved him right: it is the regional Administration that has to bear the costs of searching the landfill, as these are necessary expenses for the operation, start-up and achievement of the Administration's objectives. of Justice.

Otherwise, the sentence reads, those who had complied with their obligation to collaborate with the judges or courts would be caused "serious damage consisting of non-payment or an indeterminate delay in the payment of costs that have no obligation. legal to bear, all the more so since it is the obligation of the competent Administration to put all the means at its disposal to guarantee the proper functioning of the Administration of Justice”, underlines the court.

During the trial, the murderer's partner described a man tremendously affected by his mental illness, and convinced of belonging to the secret Brotherhood of the ER, such as Esperanza Aguirre, Silvio Berlusconi, David Cameron or Teresa May.

That is also the portrait left by the book

The Brotherhood of Evil,

written by the journalist Cruz Morcillo.

Seven years have already passed of the 27 to which he is sentenced.

The same time during which he has been waiting for the Pinto landfill company for the Community to pay him for hiring new employees and creating an afternoon shift with the aim of looking for one of his victims.

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