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Weekly horoscope: August 21-27, 2022 - voila! Spirit and horoscope

8/20/2022, 10:18:35 PM

If the previous week was tense, vague and unclear, it seems that this week's fog is dissipating - but the tensions are only gradually getting stronger. take a breath

Weekly horoscope: August 21-27, 2022

If the previous week was tense, vague and unclear, it seems that this week's fog is dissipating - but the tensions are only gradually getting stronger.

take a breath

Yair Trivalsky


Sunday, August 21, 2022, 00:16 Updated: 01:09

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A very tense week ahead of us (Photo: ShutterStock)

It's going to be a very tense week, when two massive angles of action on the part of the Sun and Venus force us to deal with an excess of mental testosterone on the part of Mars - and emotional intensity on the part of Uranus, which mainly brings with it nervousness, restlessness and an extremely short fuse.

Yes, we have a week ahead of us with the familiar August heat, children on vacation and all the adrenaline we'll need to act with maximum caution and get to the beginning of the school year - which also doesn't seem very clear right now.

The significant processes of the week:

1. The sun moves into Virgo.

2. Sun at an exact action angle to the planet Mars.

3. Venus in exact action angle to the planet Uranus.

4. Mercury moves into Libra.

The significant transition of the week: the transition of the sun from the dramatic and energetic sign of Leo to the critical and practical sign of Virgo.

All in all, this transition may well try to reduce some of the drama and extreme moods we've all been experiencing this past week.

Virgo belonging to the earth element can certainly be a basis for a practical balance between the extreme moods we have all experienced here.

This transition should help us get out of all the big dramas by building a collection of chores and small tasks - and dividing the blocks of energy that shake us left and right into slices of goal-oriented tasks, with the aim that the energy that will be invested in them will return us to the practical side of life, which has recently become a factor that affects a little less our everyday

However, the angle of action of the sun, which will continue throughout most of the week, will not really allow this process to be effective - at least in the coming week, which is a shame.

Who will be mostly affected by the passage of the sun?

Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces.

Irritability, restlessness and an extremely short fuse (Photo: ShutterStock, oneinchpunch)

The media this week

The transition of Mercury, the star of communication, from practical Virgo to social Libra.

Here, too, there is definitely a good intention on the part of the stars: after two or three weeks full of activity and action, a new phase arrives - to put the experiences and activity into words.

When it comes to Libra - it is a type of communication that deals mainly with one-on-one communication and at eye level, which means that the tensions and dramas can definitely be transferred to words and thus neutralize part of the effect of this action on our everyday life, at least on the practical side of it.

Unfortunately, the angles of the Sun and Venus may not really take this into account - and the dynamics they create may cause the good will to remain that way and not really manifest itself on the ground.

Mercury moves into intelligent and self-aware Libra and emphasizes the need for smart conversations - both to solve problems and to release pressure.

However, the transition to Libra is not so powerful, mainly because the communication in Libra is a lecturing communication that tries to understand and explain things - and less to act and do as a first priority.

In addition, the action angle of Uranus with Venus, the ruler of Libra, brings with it irritability and restlessness, which our Mercury finds difficult to control.

However, honest and direct conversations that clear accumulated emotional sediments explain intentions and help to reach insights and from there to explanations and dropping tokens.

It can definitely help as a kind of process that clears the energetic pressures that accumulate this week - and helps us go through it in a more light and communicative way.

Who will mainly be affected by Mercury and can benefit from it?

Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn and Aries.

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The need for smart conversations - both to solve problems and to release pressures (Photo: ShutterStock, bbernard)

The difficult angles of the week

Here we can find two such angles - and both are characterized by the fact that they can blur good communication, cloud our mood and shorten the already short fuse this week, which causes us to react impulsively and without control, straight from the stomach and not from the head.

1. Action angle between the Sun and Mars, the planet of action -

basically this is a very aggressive angle.

Both Mars and the Sun express the active stars in terms of action, but Mars is the warrior planet also named after the Roman god of war.

With these two in action, anything is possible.

Mainly anger, frustration, aggression and very extreme reactions of all kinds.

The problem is that this angle is basically active almost throughout the week - because the sun and Mars really move up for three days, an element that promises us a sea of ​​action and anger from all directions.

What to do?

First - we are aware that this week is very sensitive in terms of the ability to get angry and upset by almost any word, including our interpretations that get worse this week - and the particularly active ego.

This requires a sea of ​​patience and tolerance from everyone - and above all restraint, even if you really feel like reacting.

Who will be mostly affected by the angle?

Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, Libra, Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio and Taurus.

2. The action angle between the frenzied Uranus and the emotional Venus -

the impulsive angle of the week.

Venus is that planet associated with love, giving, devotion and empathy.

Uranus is mainly associated with sudden changes and disconnections - and a strong need to be alone or to cut ties that oppress us.

The angle of action between these two may not be easy - especially in our relationships: now we are nervous and impatient and have a hard time with people who don't really understand us or those who take time to understand what we really want.

The result - short communication, which may cause us to react aggressively on the one hand and on the other hand - with the actual need to sever ties, if temporarily or at all.

It is recommended to show maximum restraint now in everything related to breaking ties, take a deep breath and hold back: next week things will look different, in someone's heart.

Since Shonus also deals with material and financial issues, you should also be careful with this issue this week - and avoid impulsive spending and rash decisions related to finances as much as possible.

Who will be mostly affected by this angle?

Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius, Libra, Capricorn, Cancer and Aries.

Now we are nervous and impatient and have a hard time with people who don't really understand us (Photo: ShutterStock)

The weekly forecast according to zodiac signs:


This is undoubtedly one of the most tense weeks of recent times.

The action angle between Mars, the ruler of your luck, and the Sun brings with it a short fuse and extreme reactions: try not to spoil beautiful relationships because of nonsense... don't be moved by another person's words.


The transit of the planet Mars to the financial house may bring high expenses and the angle of action between Venus ruling your luck and Uranus causes rapid changes in mood.

Don't cut ties.


Mercury, the ruler of your luck, moves this week to Libra, which also belongs to the element of air, an element that brings with it a pleasant sense of ease as well as excellent one-on-one communication.

Time for deep emotional conversations.


The transit of Mercury, the star of communication, into Libra helps our Cancer to upgrade home and family communication.

This is exactly the time to share with the family members, bring hearts together and talk about everything.


An action angle between the Sun, the ruler of your luck, and the planet Mars may bring with it days of irritability and impatience.

It is important to show maximum restraint, broad-mindedness and understanding of the person in front of you - and focus on the common denominator and not the dividing line.

A virgin

, virgins!

The sun is moving into your sign and it's time to celebrate the birthday of this practical, smart and cynical sign.

This is a good time to redefine your goals for the coming period and welcome the spontaneous surprise party with love.


Venus, ruler of your luck, stays in Leo and allows you to expand your social circles.

An exact angle of action between Venus and the frenetic Uranus could bring with it a crazy and unpredictable week, full of outbursts and mood swings.


The star of Mars is finally leaving your house of relationships and maybe it really is time to calm the stormy heart and the dramas in the relationship.

However, the position of Mars in Gemini requires special caution in everything related to the bank account.

Be careful on the roads!


Mars, the star of action, moves this week to Gemini, which inhabits your house of relationships, an element that emphasizes the need to be careful in marital dialogue: power and ego struggles can spoil beautiful relationships.

It is important to give up, compromise and enjoy togetherness.


Sun and Mercury move to Virgo which also belongs to the earth element and our Capricorn is now recommended to show maximum openness to changes and new ideas that you will soon hear about.

It's time to think ahead.


The angle of action between Uranus, the ruler of your luck, and the emotional Venus may cause rapid changes in mood, the need for a temporary break and the desire to break out of the routine and act in an unconventional way.

Time for new ideas and interesting insights.

Don't disconnect.


Mercury, which resides in Virgo, which inhabits your house of marriage and relationships, is joined this week by the Sun and the need to invest a little more in the marital dialogue and in relationships in general, including your partners, becomes stronger.

If the delicate fish heart is free - this is exactly the time for a date.

For more predictions and updates by the astrologer Yair Tribalsky, click here >>

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