The Limited Times

The constitutionalist Carlassare died, she was 91 years old

8/21/2022, 2:30:37 PM

The constitutionalist Lorenza Carlassare passed away today at the age of 91. Emeritus professor of the University of Padua, Carlassare died in her home in the Venetian capital. She was the first woman to win a chair of constitutional law in Italy. (HANDLE)

The constitutionalist

Lorenza Carlassare

passed away today at the age of 91 .

Emeritus professor of the University of Padua, Carlassare died in her home in the Venetian capital.

She was the first woman to win a chair of constitutional law in Italy.

"With Lorenza Carlassare, a renowned jurist who has profoundly marked the constitutional debate in our country disappears. Always in defense of the Charter and its fundamental principles",

Enrico Letta

wrote on Twitter.

A "free and courageous woman".

Thus the national president of the Anpi,

Gianfranco Pagliarulo

, recalled Lorenza Carlassare on social media, "in my name and in the name of all the Anpi. I remember a free and courageous woman, her battle for civil and fully democratic coexistence, for morality of the institutions, for their anti-fascist roots. A woman of a constitutional character. Her disappearance is a grave loss for our country. We will keep her intelligence and her passion alive ".

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