The Limited Times

Vettel continues in the uncompetitive car

8/21/2022, 11:31:17 AM

Sebastian Vettel will not get an update after the summer break - Aston Martin is looking towards 2023 Created: 08/21/2022 13:09 By: Stefan Schmid The summer break of Formula 1 is not over yet and there is already the first disappointment for Sebastian Vettel. His car will no longer get an update. Munich - The racing season for Sebastian Vettel is not going well anyway - the Heppenheimer is cur

Sebastian Vettel will not get an update after the summer break - Aston Martin is looking towards 2023

Created: 08/21/2022 13:09

By: Stefan Schmid

The summer break of Formula 1 is not over yet and there is already the first disappointment for Sebastian Vettel.

His car will no longer get an update.

Munich - The racing season for Sebastian Vettel is not going well anyway - the Heppenheimer is currently ranked 14th in the overall standings - and there is no hope of an improvement even after the summer break.

Aston Martin no longer wants to burden the capped budget for further developments on the cars this season.

For Vettel this means in his last nine races before the end of his career that he has to continue to compete with an uncompetitive car.

On the other hand, this should suit his canon of values.

"Development of the car for 2023 is ongoing" - Aston Martin refrains from updates

Aston Martin's performance director, Tom McCullough, is reticent to


for a number of reasons.

On the one hand, there is the budget cap for the second year, which applies equally to all teams.

This year it was 141 million euros, but was increased again by 3.1% due to inflation.

Even if Aston Martin has "left itself another development budget" for the season, it is unlikely to be exhausted, as the team is - and this is the second reason - far behind in the penultimate place in the constructors' championship.

The British racing team does not want to use any additional capacity for the season that has already been messed up anyway, because "the development of the car for 2023 is already underway," says McCullough.

In addition, the team already sent a completely renewed vehicle onto the track at the Spanish Grand Prix this year - which led to allegations of plagiarism from the competition - and as a result was able to close the gap to the competition at least somewhat.

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Vettel should also be interested in "cost-benefit ratio".

Although, and McCullough concedes, there would still be the possibility to construct "larger parts such as a grand piano" due to the still free budget, but this would consume unnecessary money.

With a look at the placements of the Aston Martin drivers (Vettel 14th/Lance Stroll 18th) and the team ranking, the performance director asks the “simply question of the cost-benefit ratio.”

Even if Sebastian Vettel would certainly like to drive further up the front in the upcoming races, he too has to bow to the “cost-benefit” analysis of his racing team.

In any case, it is probably in Vettel's interest, who repeatedly expresses his opinion on socio-political issues, that his team excludes economically unreasonable actions.

In addition, there is no unnecessary waste of raw materials.
