The Limited Times

Fish deaths in the Oder: Poland discovers 282 illegal sewage pipes

8/23/2022, 12:50:10 PM

After the massive find of dead fish, the Polish water authority tracked down numerous unauthorized sewage pipes that lead into the Oder. The police are investigating dozens of cases.

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Dead fish in the Oder in the small Brandenburg town of Lebus (photo from August 18)

Photo: Patrick Pleul / dpa

In connection with the fish kill in the Oder, Poland's water authority claims to have discovered 282 wastewater discharges without a permit.

It is currently being clarified from where these lines to the Oder were laid and who they belong to, said the designated new head of the water authority, Krzysztof Wos.

The police had already been informed in 57 cases.

In the past few weeks, dead fish have been discovered and collected in large numbers on the Polish and German sides of the Oder.

The cause of the fish kill is not yet clear.

However, a toxic alga was found in samples from both Poland and Germany.

On the German side, the massive death of fish in the Oder became known on August 9th.

In Poland, on the other hand, there were already first indications at the end of July.

The German authorities accuse the Polish side of informing them too late, making it difficult to find the cause.

After the environmental disaster became known, Poland's Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki had fired the previous head of the water authority and the head of the environmental authority.
