The Limited Times

From 1 September the smart work changes

8/23/2022, 5:20:41 PM

Orlando signs the decree on simplified communications. "Necessary to make it structural" (ANSA)

From 1 September smart work changes with the end of liberalization linked to the health emergency.

However, employers will be able to communicate in a simplified way the names of employees who do agile work, thanks to a

new ministerial decree

that implements a provision of the Simplification Decree.

The new rule requires the employer to communicate


to the Ministry of Labor the names of the workers and the start and end date of work in an agile way. 

The Minister of Labor, Andrea Orlando

speaks of "an important provision that makes the simplification of agile work structural". 

With the modification - explains a note from the ministry - the reformulation of article 23 of the law of 22 May 2017 is envisaged. of commencement and termination of work services in an agile way, to be transmitted electronically to the Ministry of Labor.

"It is a first step - we read - with which the communication obligations relating to agile work are made simpler also in the light of the experience gained during the pandemic and responds to a specific request made by the social partners in

the National Protocol on work in agile mode for the private sector

signed by the Minister of Labor and the social partners on 7 December 2021 ".

"The need to simplify the communication obligations arises from the need to

make structural

a procedure already widely tested in the emergency period - affirms Minister Andrea Orlando - in consideration of the increasing use of this way of carrying out work. they streamline the procedures for employers and do not aggravate the ministerial offices of administrative requirements deemed unnecessary ".