The Limited Times

Killing of Dugina, Lavrov: 'No mercy for the killers'

8/23/2022, 4:13:26 PM

Hundreds in Moscow for the funeral of the daughter of the ultra-nationalist intellectual, killed in an attack. Kiev: support for war falls, Putin needs mobilization and is planning other massacres (ANSA)

Russia will have "no mercy" for Darya Dugina's killers.

This was stated by the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov.

"There can be no mercy" for whoever is behind the car bomb that killed Alexander Dugin's daughter, said Sergei Lavrov at a press conference in Moscow. "We hope the investigation will be concluded soon. According to the results of this investigation. ,

there can be no pity for those who organized, ordered and carried out "the attack

, added the foreign minister.

According to Moscow intelligence, Dugina was killed by a Ukrainian agent, who arrived in Russia in late July and then fled to Estonia.

For Kiev, on the other hand, the attack was the work of the Russian secret services.

'Support for the war is waning in Russia and the Kremlin needs social mobilization: for this reason the

Russian services are planning a series of terrorist acts in Russian cities, with many civilian victims.

Dugina was only the first.

Ukraine, unlike Russia, is not at war with civilians. '

This was stated by Oleksii Danilov, secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, quoted by the Ukrainska Pravda newspaper.


And hundreds of people in Moscow attended the funeral of Dugina, killed in an attack in the capital.

Many participants in the funeral ceremony brought flowers to the Ostankino television center where a black and white portrait of the young woman was displayed in an open coffin.

Sitting next to the father and mother dressed in black.

"She died for the people, for Russia, at the front.

The front is here

," Dugin said at the beginning of the ceremony.   

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