The Limited Times

VIDEO. kyiv mocks Russia with a 'parade' of destroyed tanks to celebrate its Independence Day

8/23/2022, 5:20:47 PM

Ukraine has organized since Monday a somewhat special parade in the heart of its capital. About twenty Russian military vehicles destroyed o

About twenty Russian tanks and other armored vehicles destroyed by the Ukrainian army “parade” in kyiv.

This "very special" event was organized on the occasion of the celebration of Ukrainian Independence Day which takes place on August 24, six months to the day after the start of the Russian invasion.

For kyiv, it is a way for the Zelensky government to mock the Russians who imagined parading in the heart of the capital, after only a few days of fighting, at the start of the conflict.

“Children need to know their history.

I want them to see the horror of war”, explains Mykola, a resident of kyiv, who came with his two children.

These war “trophies” become either play areas or an opportunity for a history lesson, in real time.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, however, warned residents of kyiv of the risk of more serious attacks on August 20.

The Ukrainian capital has so far been relatively spared from Russian strikes because it is now quite far from the front lines.