The Limited Times

F1, Verstappen: "I prefer the challenge with Leclerc than with Hamilton"

8/24/2022, 1:55:48 PM

The Dutchman: "I respect Ferraris, I wouldn't spend an evening with the Mercedes team" (ANSA) "I prefer the current challenge with Charles rather than the one from the past years with Lewis. I know Leclerc very well, he is a good boy, we are the same age." Word of Max Verstappen on the eve of the return to the track of Formula 1 in Spa with the challenge for the title with the Ferrari driver in the background.     "We are fighting against a respectable opponent like Ferrari: if they win we

"I prefer the current challenge with Charles rather than the one from the past years with Lewis. I know Leclerc very well, he is a good boy, we are the same age."

Word of Max Verstappen on the eve of the return to the track of Formula 1 in Spa with the challenge for the title with the Ferrari driver in the background.

    "We are fighting against a respectable opponent like Ferrari: if they win we can congratulate them and if we win we can do the same. We know the people of their team well, even with Mattia Binotto - adds Verstappen in an interview with Sky sport - I not only with him, also Gino Rosato is always around making jokes and I think it is fantastic because this is the meaning of racing: tough competition on the track, always trying to beat the opponent, but outside you can go d agreement. This is what I really appreciate about the current season. "

    A serene and relaxed relationship that does not exist with Mercedes: "Let's put it this way - admits the Dutchman from Red Bull - I wouldn't spend my Saturday night at the same table laughing with them, I don't know why. 'is at the moment with the Red and in general I always have respect for Ferrari ".

    "Now that I have some experience - continues Verstappen - if I look back when I started I feel I was a real rookie because it was all new. Now, however, after years of experience, mistakes and positive things, I have learned a lot and I understand Formula 1. much better. However, you are never perfect, you can always learn and do better. "

Then the Dutchman talks about the victory of the World Championship last year: "In what way has he changed me? At the level of the person in nothing. This is because I love racing and I like doing it with my team, I want to continue doing it as long as possible. a good car and we can fight for victories and titles, you never know how long it will last so it's important to enjoy the moment. "