The Limited Times

Ukraine: Draghi, avoid nuclear disaster

8/24/2022, 1:38:29 PM

"I can only associate myself with the words of the Holy Father: avoid a nuclear disaster" in Zaporizhzhia. Prime Minister Mario Draghi said this at the Cl meeting. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, AUGUST 24 - "I can only associate myself with the words of the Holy Father: avoid a nuclear disaster" in Zaporizhzhia.

   Prime Minister Mario Draghi said this at the Cl meeting.

Pope Francesc said during the general audience: "I hope that concrete steps will be taken to put an end to the war and avert the nuclear disaster in Zaporizhzhia. I renew my invitation to implore the Lord for peace for the beloved Ukrainian people who have been suffering today for six months. horror of war ".
