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Horoscope for the weekend: an excellent weekend for enlightenment and insights - voila! Spirit and horoscope

8/25/2022, 10:08:44 PM

Astrological forecast for Friday and Saturday - a weekend that takes a surprising turn from the events of the past week for almost all zodiac signs

Horoscope for the weekend: a great weekend for enlightenment and insights

Astrological forecast for Friday and Saturday - a weekend that takes a surprising turn from the events of the past week for almost all zodiac signs

Yair Trivalsky


Friday, August 26, 2022, 00:53 Updated: 00:59

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Weekend horoscope according to zodiac signs.

August 26-27, 2022 (Photo: ShutterStock)


The angle of action between Mars, the ruler of your luck, and the sun continues exactly the same at the end of the week - which means maximum caution both in your words and in all types of activities and entertainment.

Your fuse is especially short now: show restraint!

Physical and sports activity will reduce stress: a walk in nature, swimming and a long and careful drive to other landscapes.


The angle of action between Venus, the ruler of your luck, and the planet Uranus is now reaching precision - and the tension is at its peak.

An especially high dose of patience, caution and restraint is now needed in your relationships.

It is important not to insist on the last word.

A great weekend for enlightenment, insights and brilliant conversations.


Mercury, the ruler of your luck, moves into Libra, which occupies your house of romance and creativity and belongs to the element of air.

It seems that this is definitely a change for the better after critical and tasking weeks.

It's time to open your heart, see the other person as he is, enjoy wonderful conversations at eye level - and upgrade marital communication.


Moon, the ruler of your luck, stays in the financial house on Friday - and this is an excellent time for a big shopping trip and restocking the home, family and yourself.

On Saturday, the moon moves into your house of communication and together with the transit of Mercury, the star of communication, into the family house, it is time to upgrade family communication and the feeling of togetherness.


This Friday seems to be your day, Leos: the Moon is in your sign and the presence is impressive.

However, the action angle between Mars and the Sun is still precise - and the hypersensitivity now can cause power and ego struggles too easily.

It is recommended to show the world the restrained and patient lion and not the nervous lion when things don't go as he wanted.

Mercury moves into your house of communication: instead of roaring - try to talk.

It will be much more efficient.

Taurus: It is important not to insist on the last word.

Aryeh: It seems that this Friday is your day. (Photo: ShutterStock)


, it seems that you are not quite at your best this Friday.

The sun continues to move in Virgo but creates a difficult action angle for the planet Mars which will affect those who have a birthday around this date - and the moon in Leo signals the need mainly for rest.

On Saturday, the moon moves into your sign and this is a great day for action - and a lot of it: fun meetings, a trip and even love... just be careful.


something good and something less good happen to you this weekend.

Let's start with the good: Mercury, the star of communication, is moving into your luck and it's going to be a super communicative month in all respects.

What is less good?

The tension angle between emotional Venus and frenetic Uranus is right now - making this weekend tense and unpredictable.

Take care of yourself, avoid rash decisions and don't cut ties.


You seem to be in the spotlight this Friday, Scorpios.

The moon in Leo emphasizes your personal charm - and this is an excellent time for a good party or an interesting meeting.

On Saturday, the emphasis shifts to the social sphere.

It's a time to meet friends who have disappeared under the air conditioner, spend time together and if possible - also expand your social circle.

The Sagittarius

Moon stays in Leo on Friday and points to the great love of Sagittarius: travel and excursions.

It's time to pack some food, kids, grandma and dog - and just go for a fun weekend (the last one before school) and preferably to a happy place. On Shabbat - small pleasures, slow battery charging and pleasant company that makes your Shabbat.


The moon in Leo may bring with it a charged Friday and should be handled with care.

This is a good time for deep conversations of all kinds, but also to be careful on the roads.

On Saturday - it's time to travel and in a new place you haven't visited yet.

Mercury moving into Libra brings with it new and interesting communication and great openness to new people and unfamiliar landscapes.


Both the moon and Venus are staying this Friday in Leo, which inhabits your house of relationships, so the recommendation of the stars in general is - spending time together, soft words and emotional conversations from heart to heart.

On Saturday - you come back to yourself, charge your batteries, get together a little and start organizing for a busy and charged week.

Don't tire yourself now.


It seems that this Friday you meet with several tasks, chores and especially social or family obligations - and this is a time to be more with close people who are important to you.

They also need a little Tsumi.

On Saturday the moon moves into Virgo where the sun is also.

Time for meaningful conversations that have been postponed or for a trip to visit friends who live far away.

For more predictions and updates by the astrologer Yair Tribalsky, click here >>

good to know (in advance)

The secret to improving your sex life - now in a special sale

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