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Iran confirms its seriousness about the outstanding issues in the nuclear agreement

8/25/2022, 8:56:23 PM

Tehran, SANA- Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian affirmed his country’s seriousness regarding the outstanding issues around


Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian affirmed his country's seriousness regarding the outstanding issues regarding the safeguards in the nuclear agreement.

Abdullahian said in a statement today that "Iran does not allow these baseless accusations leveled by the International Atomic Energy Agency in coordination with the Zionist entity to persist," pointing out that Iran has received the American response through the European coordinator to the Iranian written proposals and the start of its study.

The Iranian foreign minister added that "the American side must be serious so that we can reach the final stage of the negotiations," noting that "in the event that results are reached in our technical studies, we will move to the next step, which is holding a meeting between the foreign ministers of the parties to exchange views."

Abdullahian stressed that "as long as the result does not guarantee the rights of the Iranian people, Iran does not rush things," stressing the Iranian government's determination to proceed with the path of economic development to thwart the consequences of the unjust embargo imposed on it.

The Iranian Foreign Minister pointed out that the process of improving the economic situation in the country continues regardless of the results of the negotiations on the nuclear agreement.

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