The Limited Times

September 1 approaches and the solution to the strike recedes; The Treasury: These are our main demands - voila! news

8/25/2022, 8:20:41 PM

The threat of a strike on September 1 is getting closer to being realized, as the negotiations between the teachers' union and the Ministry of Finance hit a snag and another conversation that took place today ended without progress. The Ministry of Finance publishes its demands, including increasing the minimum period for receiving tenure and streamlining the teacher dismissal procedure

September 1 approaches and the solution to the strike recedes;

The Treasury: These are our main demands

The threat of a strike on September 1 is getting closer to being realized, as the negotiations between the teachers' union and the Ministry of Finance hit a snag and another conversation that took place today ended without progress.

The Ministry of Finance publishes its demands, including increasing the minimum period for receiving tenure and streamlining the teacher dismissal procedure

Uri Sela


Thursday, August 25, 2022, 6:13 p.m. Updated: 11:02 p.m.

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In the video: the Minister of Finance accuses the teachers of trying to take the parents and students hostage (photo: Roni Knafo)

The negotiations between the teachers' union and the Ministry of Finance are stuck in place, with another conversation that took place today (Thursday) between the parties and ended without progress.

At today's meeting, representatives of the Ministry of Finance presented a list of demands for the teachers' union, including increasing the minimum period for obtaining tenure, streamlining the dismissal process and moving vacation days.

The Ministry of Finance presented to the Teachers' Union an outline for adjusting the vacations of the education system to vacations in the Israeli economy.

The five days of vacation on the days of Asro-Haj, the fast of Esther and the day of Omer, will be transferred to Fridays; the vacation before Passover will be shortened by two days, and the days will be transferred as teachers choose; a vacation will be added between Yom Kippur and Sukkot, at the expense of three days before Passover; and five days will be transferred from Passover vacation to vacation the summer

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The negotiations are deadlocked.

Lieberman (Photo: Reuven Castro)

Other demands presented by the Ministry of Finance are the streamlining of the teacher dismissal procedure;

extending the minimum period for receiving tenure from two to five years;

and raising the minimum employment rate for teachers gradually, over several years, from 50% to 100%.

In addition to this, the Ministry of Finance demanded that school principals be given an annual basket of an average of NIS 36,000, which can be given to outstanding teachers, in exchange for them taking on additional duties.

The school principals will be able to employ up to 10% of the teaching staff in individual contracts, which will be separated from the collective agreements.

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The negotiations between the Treasury and the teachers' union exploded

To the full article

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  • Ministry of Finance

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