The Limited Times

Simeone: 'An honor to be in the city of Maradona'

8/25/2022, 2:20:29 PM

Raspadori: 'In Naples to take a step forward in career' (ANSA) "For me it is an honor and a great responsibility to be in Naples, a place where everyone talks about Maradona and which has welcomed many strong Argentines. I'm happy to be here, I've always wanted a square like Naples, for me it's a unique place and I will live this adventure with passion with the passion to show that I am like other Argentines ". Giovanni Simeone said this in his presentation p

"For me it is an honor and a great responsibility to be in Naples, a place where everyone talks about Maradona and which has welcomed many strong Argentines. I'm happy to be here, I've always wanted a square like Naples, for me it's a unique place and I will live this adventure with passion with the passion to show that I am like other Argentines ".

Giovanni Simeone said this in his presentation press conference at Napoli.

    "I feel like a mature player - he explained - I learned a lot in difficult moments in Italy, gaining a lot of experience, I grew up and this is important for me, now I'm ready to convey what I feel on the pitch. I'm here to show who I am" .


 "I had a great desire to take a new step in my career, come here to Naples and also experience the thrills of playing the Champions League. For me it is the right time to carry on my ambition and my desire to grow and improve. Napoli it was what I wanted, what I felt inside of me. They wanted me so much and this pushed me further to come here. "

So Giacomo Raspadori presented himself at the Napoli press conference.

The blue tells of the long negotiation for his landing in Naples: "I thank Sassuolo - he said - because I owe so much to them, I grew up with that shirt. It was not an easy period this summer but Sassuolo gave me the possibility that my dream and my ambition could become reality.

fulfill wishes.

I wanted to come to Naples, the company showed me the project and that's what pushed me the most, we will certainly build something beautiful.

Having an experience of this level is an opportunity especially for a young boy, wearing such a heavy shirt leads you to the responsibilities we want, in front of such a warm and spectacular audience as that of Maradona you are always led to express yourself at your best " .