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Ukraine: the largest nuclear power plant in Europe was disconnected from electricity - voila! news

8/25/2022, 7:38:29 PM

The last pair of reactors operating at the Zaporizhia power plant have been disconnected from the power grid, the Ukrainian Nuclear Agency announced. Fires near the facility apparently disrupted the power lines and disconnected the site, which is under Russian control, from the national grid for the first time ever

Ukraine: the largest nuclear power plant in Europe was cut off from electricity

The last pair of reactors operating at the Zaporizhia power plant have been disconnected from the power grid, the Ukrainian Nuclear Agency announced.

Fires near the facility apparently disrupted the power lines and disconnected the site, which is under Russian control, from the national grid for the first time ever

news agencies


Thursday, August 25, 2022, 19:33 Updated: 19:40

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The last pair of reactors operating at the Zaporizhia power plant in Ukraine have been disconnected from the power grid, the Ukrainian Nuclear Agency announced today (Thursday).

Fires near the facility apparently disrupted the power lines and disconnected the site, which is now under Russian control, from the national grid for the first time.

The power plant continues to operate with electricity from a nearby thermal plant, Energatom added.

"Fires at a nearby site disturbed the power lines. As a result, the two operating reactors were disconnected from the grid," the agency said.

Fire at the bombed Zaporizhia power plant (Photo: Reuters)

Three replacement power lines that supply power to the power plant were damaged by Russian bombs, the agency claimed in a Telegram post.

Local officials reported that radiation levels are normal, and that work to reconnect the reactors has already begun.

On normal days, the power plant supplies a fifth of the electricity in Ukraine - so a continuous disconnection from the national grid will cause significant disruptions in the country.

The site was occupied by the Russian army in early March but Ukrainian workers continue to operate it.

The Kremlin signaled yesterday that it would allow international inspectors to visit the compound, after heavy pressure from Europe and the West, which fears a major nuclear disaster in the region.


Local media reported today that towns near the power plant were also cut off after Russian officials cut it off in large parts of the occupied Zaporizhia region.

According to the nearby Mosk Enrhoder, the city has no electricity or water at all.

The power cuts are happening against the background of Ukraine's claims that the Russian military is trying to disconnect Europe's largest nuclear power plant from the Ukrainian power grid - so that it can reconnect it to the Russian grid via the Crimean Peninsula, which is also under Russian control.

More in Walla!

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