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USA: The state of Missouri has approved the punishment of students through caning | Israel Hayom

8/25/2022, 7:56:16 PM

A school district in the country conducted a survey among parents and concluded that they are troubled by the lack of effective punishment.

An educational district in the state of Missouri in the United States has decided to reinstate corporal punishment for students in elementary and middle schools in the country, the local newspaper "Springfield News Leader" revealed today (Thursday).

The local education committee made the decision in June after a survey was conducted among parents which showed that they were interested in the options of corporal punishment.

The committee decided on the use of whipping students with a special bat in "extreme cases" as a substitute for suspending the student.

Marilyn Johnson, the district's superintendent of education, told the local newspaper: "The complaint we heard from parents is that they don't want students to be suspended and spend time out of school. They want more options. So, we decided on another option that we could use instead of getting into the situation of suspending a student ".

Johnson added that the punishment will be carried out only in cases of "last resort" and in cases where any other means of punishment will be exhausted without being effective.

"The punishment will be carried out proportionately and only with the recommendation and approval of the school principal," said Johnson.

The punishment will be carried out in the presence of at least one additional adult witness, a teacher or member of the educational staff and only if the parents have approved the punishment with the school system.

The district decided to allow one or two plakas for younger children and three or more for older students.

"When the need arises to use corporal punishment, it will be used in a way that does not cause any bodily harm or injury. Hitting a student on the head or face will not be allowed," reads the policy page distributed in the local newspaper.

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