The Limited Times

Angoulême signs the good health of French cinema

8/26/2022, 12:50:58 PM

The 15th edition of the festival is back with record attendance and a nice selection. Could the Angoulême Francophone Film Festival herald the gradual return of the French to theaters? This is what the directors and actors present in the city of Charente felt at the end of the screening of their films. The Franco-Algerian filmmaker Mohamed Hamidi, director of La Vache and the beautiful film Citoyen d'honneur (released on September 14), with Kad Merad, about a Nobel Prize-winning w

Could the Angoulême Francophone Film Festival herald the gradual return of the French to theaters?

This is what the directors and actors present in the city of Charente felt at the end of the screening of their films.

The Franco-Algerian filmmaker Mohamed Hamidi, director of

La Vache

and the beautiful film

Citoyen d'honneur

(released on September 14), with Kad Merad, about a Nobel Prize-winning writer returning to his native village in Algeria, testifies:

" The reception of my new film has been tremendous.

In times of cinema scarcity, it's great to see more than 1200 spectators seated and ready to enthusiastically share your film.

Seeing eight full rooms like that was incredible.”

This 15th edition, launched Tuesday evening by Line Renaud and Dany Boon who came to present the comedy-drama

Une belle course

by Christian Carion, seemed to prefigure the return to theaters of the French after two years of estrangement due to the pandemic and the the rise in power…

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