The Limited Times

Emergency bills. Salvini: "If prices do not fall, it will be necessary to ration electricity and gas"

8/26/2022, 2:21:13 PM

Gas still above 300 euros. Salvini: 'We risk rationing. The League ready to vote on the measures. Tens of billions are needed for families and businesses'. Berlusconi: 'The government is preparing a decree'. The crude oil goes up. EU Presidency: 'We will convene an urgent meeting of energy ministers to discuss specific measures' (ANSA)

On the

emergency bills

"the League asks the Draghi Government, which is in charge, to hurry. We asked months ago for a greater investment, a budget variance, they told us no. Now everyone realizes that September and October risk being devastating for families and businesses - said Matteo Salvini -. If Draghi brings a bill of billions, tens of billions to support families and businesses next week to the CDM or Parliament, the League vote is guaranteed ". 

"If the price does not go down - said Salvini -, the next government, and therefore for me the truth operation is always better than the silence operation, will have to ration electricity and gas starting from the companies".

"I would like to avoid it, but Macron has already said so, and France also has dozens of operational nuclear reactors. We do not have them, we only import energy from abroad, so if we do not intervene, we risk deciding who will heat up and who does not, who turns on the light and who does not are absolutely concrete ".

"The cost of energy is an essential issue for a region rich in businesses like ours, there is a risk of a disaster for families at current prices and for businesses. I was the first to ask the government to intervene and I have news that is preparing a decree, "said Forza Italia leader

Silvio Berlusconi


Meanwhile, the Czech presidency, the rotating presidency of the EU semester "

will convene an urgent meeting of energy ministers to discuss specific emergency measures

- announced the president of the Czech Republic Petr Fiala on twitter - to address the energy situation". 


- Piazza Affari slows down further after two and a half hours of trading, with the Ftse Mib index down by 0.74% to 22,287 points.

The differential between German ten-year BTPs and Bunbds remained stable at 229.1 points, with the Italian annual yield rising by 11 points to 3.64%.

Crude oil rises (WTI + 0.91% to 93.36 dollars per barrel) while natural gas (-1.84% to 315.5 euros per MWh) reduces the decline below the maximum but above the 315 euros threshold.

Amplifon (-2.88%), Recordati (-2.32%), Moncler (-1.98%) and Campari (-1.92%) sell.

Iveco (-1.93%), Exor (-1.75%), Saipem (-1.5%), Diasorin (-1.8%), Cnh (-1.55%) and Snam (- 1.15%).

Finally, weak Bper (-0.75%), Intesa (-0.58%), Banco Bpm (-049%) and Unicredit (-0.3%), held back by the rise in the spread.

Few increases, limited to Tim (+ 0.9%) in the aftermath of the second purchase of

Chief Executive Officer Pietro Labriola since in office, who brings his portfolio to 1.5 million shares, giving a further signal of confidence as work continues on the project for the single network.

Unipol (+ 0.4%), Italgas (+ 0.27%) and Stm (+ 0.11%) follow at a distance.

ANSA agency

Gas flies, business alarm.

The government studies the measures - Economy

Gas: drops to 292 euros.

Bonomi: 'The Draghi government can and must intervene' Calenda: 'Stop the electoral campaign'.

'He knows he lost' Salvini replies (ANSA)

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