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Gamescom 22: Goat Simulator 3 is the most serious goat sim of the fair

8/26/2022, 2:38:34 PM

Gamescom 22: Goat Simulator 3 is the most serious goat sim of the fair Created: 08/26/2022, 16:35 By: Jonas Dirkes Goats: Everyone loves them, everyone knows them. But how do these animals really live? Goat Simulator 3 tries to get an unvarnished look at these amazing creatures. Cologne – You should be three goats: Developer Coffee Stain North is ringing for the third… uhhh actually for the se

Gamescom 22: Goat Simulator 3 is the most serious goat sim of the fair

Created: 08/26/2022, 16:35

By: Jonas Dirkes

Goats: Everyone loves them, everyone knows them.

But how do these animals really live?

Goat Simulator 3 tries to get an unvarnished look at these amazing creatures.

Cologne – You should be three goats: Developer Coffee Stain North is ringing for the third… uhhh actually for the second round of Goat Simulator.

They simply skipped Goat Simulator 2 and are now presenting the final conclusion of the epic goat trilogy. were bleated, licked and nibbled at by Goat Simulator 3 at Gamescom - that's what's left of us.

Gamescom 22: Goat Simulator 3 is the fair's most serious goat simulation © Coffee Stain Studios/ (Montage)

Goat Simulator 3 in the Gamescom preview: Bahh or Mähh?

How do you put that into words?

So… in Goat Simulator 3 you play a goat again.

A really good goat.

Then you just behave inconspicuously and do goat things.

Munch on some weed, greet the farmer with a serious 


 – that's the way it's done.

In any case, what is new is that you can now cooperatively go around with up to three other goat buddies and play games.

The floor is lava

is the editors' favorite.

Nice headbutt the girl from the hay bale into the melted stone soup. 


Goat Simulator 3 in the Gamescom preview: Bahh or Mähh?

© Coffee Stain Studios

But honestly, you can also just peacefully explore the area together, that's just as much fun.

Unusual things never happen.

Everything always goes according to plan.

Goat Simulator 3 is a serious simulation that wants to bring the gamer closer to life as a goat.

So you learn a lot about the behavior of the 

Capra aegagrus hircus

: Grinding on telephone poles, driving combine harvesters and using rocket launchers are not far from the common domestic goat and so these activities, as well as many, many others, also find their place in Goat Simulator 3.

Goat Simulator 3 in the Gamescom preview: actually not much to mowers

In order to imitate goat behavior in a particularly authentic way, Goat Simulator 3 sets different tasks.

How do you do a 720 flip?

Where is the highest point of the farm?

Completing these will make you an even better goat.

And that's what everyone wants to be.

Fans of the Huffüßler who are keen to experiment will be particularly rewarded.

It is precisely the many discoveries about goat life that make the game so appealing.

Goat Simulator 3 in the Gamescom preview: actually not much to mower © Coffee Stain Studios

There are no bugs or the like in Goat Simulator 3.

The finely composed simulation highlight always shows an unvarnished look into the soul of the goat.

It's entertaining, thought provoking and sometimes even tears.

Oh, you can also wear funny crocs on your point.

So doesn't have much to mow about.

Anyone who is really interested in goats - and you should be, they are truly majestic animals - will probably not be able to avoid Goat Simulator 3 for release on November 17, 2022 for PC, Xbox Series X and PS5.

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