The Limited Times

Maths, English, split classes ... what to remember from the announcements of the Minister of Education

8/26/2022, 7:08:39 PM

Pap Ndiaye unveiled this Friday the reforms he intends to undertake as well as the main changes expected at the start of the school year.

For his first back-to-school press conference, this Friday, Pap Ndiaye insisted on his main objective: "Ensuring a successful return to school in a tense context".

For this, he made an announcement to recruit new teachers.

For the rest, he makes the transformation of the college his priority.

An exceptional competition to recruit teachers

Faced with the shortage of teachers, the Minister announced a measure to establish contract staff.

“We are going to open in the spring of 2023 an exceptional competition for the tenure of a certain number of (contract) teachers.

The terms of this competition will be defined in the fall,” said Pap Ndiaye.

Contract teachers are non-permanent teachers who do not have the competition or the level of studies, but are recruited at bac + 3 and on a temporary basis to replace absent or missing teachers.

The college at the center of attention

For the new minister, the college “was not the subject of the same work as the high school and the primary during the last mandate”.

From this autumn, a reflection will be initiated on the best means of transforming the college while the level of English in 3rd grade is not satisfactory.

In the meantime, 140 colleges will experiment from this start of the school year with 2 hours of additional sport per week to fight against a sedentary lifestyle.

And a half-day Future will be organized to introduce students to the diversity of professions.

"The 6th grade class will be the subject of a reflection to better welcome the students", also indicated Pap Ndiaye.

High school math, duplication and assessments

The Minister wants to strengthen “the acquisition of fundamental knowledge” (reading, writing, counting) and “the culture of evaluation” initiated by his predecessor.

Thus 15,000 CM1 students and 25,000 fourth graders will be assessed on an experimental basis.

All classes in the large kindergarten section will be split into a priority education network (REP) at the start of the school year in September 2024. “Today 75% of classes are.

“Finally, Pap Ndiaye wishes to initiate a “broader reflection on the teaching” of mathematics, now offered as an option within science education, in 1st in high school.