The Limited Times

"Die Waldecker" for the anniversary at the Tewkesbury Medieval Festival

8/27/2022, 4:39:49 PM

"Die Waldecker" for the anniversary at the Tewkesbury Medieval Festival Created: 08/27/2022, 18:31 By: Fridolin Thanner, Sandra Hefft The Waldeckers from Miesbach also marched in the Medieval Parade in Tewkesbury. You were visiting to mark the 40th anniversary of the partnership. © GB Miesbach - On the occasion of 40 years of district partnership between Miesbach and Tewkesbury, "Die Waldecker

"Die Waldecker" for the anniversary at the Tewkesbury Medieval Festival

Created: 08/27/2022, 18:31

By: Fridolin Thanner, Sandra Hefft

The Waldeckers from Miesbach also marched in the Medieval Parade in Tewkesbury.

You were visiting to mark the 40th anniversary of the partnership.

© GB

Miesbach - On the occasion of 40 years of district partnership between Miesbach and Tewkesbury, "Die Waldecker" recently visited Great Britain.

The Waldeckers from Miesbach recently went into battle, the mock "Battle of Tewkesbury".

It will be 550 years old in 2021.

The so-called reenactment was postponed by a year because of Corona.

The group from Miesbach was also invited because of the 40th anniversary of the Miesbach-Tewkesbury district partnership.

Eight Waldeckers therefore flew from Munich to Birmingham, from where they continued to the Twinning Association in Tewkesbury.

On the very first day of the festival, the people of Miesbach naturally drove into the city in medieval garb, as they report.

They were impressed by the mighty building of the abbey as well as by the medieval old town.

In addition to houses from the 14th century, Victorian architecture can be seen as well as industrial clinker buildings from the early 20th century.

Extensive medieval market impresses

"On the huge festival site, we were particularly impressed by the historically correct camps and the extensive medieval market with 120 market stalls, whose extensive and high-quality range of goods made medieval hearts beat faster," reports Bernt Horeth, Chairman of Waldecker.

They too set up camp for the great mock battle.

The field had a gigantic area with the size of about ten football pitches, as Horeth reports.

Around 100 archers marched up in two opposing battle lines and fired their volleys.

Gradually the area was filled with flag-waving detachments of lance knights, halberd bearers, swordsmen, knights and lansquenets with battle axes, cannons and arquebusiers.

Gigantic spectacle in Tewkesbury

Six armies of about 1,500 men and women led by dukes, earls and lords faced each other on two fronts.

On the left, the troops of the House of York led by Henry VI.

and on the left the troops of Lancaster under Magret of Anjou and her 17-year-old son Prince Edward, who eventually lost.

It was a gigantic spectacle not only for Horeth.

The day after, the Waldeckers were also part of the big festival procession, the Medieval Parade, and were allowed to march as a group behind the representatives of the magistrate.

"During the one-hour parade, the streets were lined with bunches of onlookers and we Waldecker from the Twinborough Miesbach were welcomed everywhere with enthusiasm and great friendliness," enthused the medieval fans.

40 years of friendship

On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the "Tewkesbury & District Twinning Association - association for the promotion of the partnership of the districts of Tewkesbury and Miesbach" the district gets a musical visit.

The Tewkesbury Town Band is a guest in the county town until Tuesday 30th August.

"I am very pleased to welcome the band here again," emphasizes Judith Claremont-Fertl, chairwoman of the partnership association.

"Especially in these times it is important that personal contacts are cultivated and maintained."

For the 29 members of the Tewkesbury Town Band, the association's board of directors has once again put together an interesting sightseeing program that will take the British guests through the entire district.

Among other things, the musicians visit the Lantenhammer distillery in Hausham, the coffee roastery in Irschenberg and take a boat trip on Lake Tegernsee.

At the same time, the band took the opportunity to give concerts in the district.

