The Limited Times

A stand in Hebron to demand the return of the bodies of the martyrs in the occupation detention centers

8/27/2022, 4:26:59 PM

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- The city of Hebron in the West Bank witnessed today a solidarity stand in support of the Palestinian prisoners in the West Bank

Occupied Jerusalem-SANA

Today, the city of Hebron in the West Bank witnessed a solidarity stand in support of the Palestinian prisoners in the Israeli occupation prisons and to demand the handover of the bodies of the martyrs held by it.

According to Wafa Agency, the Palestinians, during the vigil organized by the Palestinian prisoners’ institutions and national forces on the occasion of the National Day to retrieve the bodies of the martyrs, called on the international community to urgently intervene to release the Palestinian prisoners, especially the sick and hunger strikers, and to retrieve the bodies of the martyrs held by the occupation in retaliation for the families of the martyrs’ prisoners, in flagrant violation of all International norms, laws and charters.

The coordinator of the national campaign to retrieve the bodies of the martyrs in Hebron, Amin Al-Bayed, confirmed that the Palestinians will continue their demonstration until the last body is retrieved.

In a related context, the National Campaign to retrieve the bodies of the detained martyrs confirmed in a statement that the Israeli occupation authorities continue to detain the bodies of 358 martyrs, stressing that it is a crime that violates international laws and must be stopped.

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