The Limited Times

The Olympic torch sparked enthusiasm in the district

8/27/2022, 6:15:07 PM

On August 25, 1972, locals carried the Olympic Flame through the district towards Munich. Contemporaries saw the day as an "event of the century".

On August 25, 1972, locals carried the Olympic Flame through the district towards Munich.

Contemporaries saw the day as an "event of the century".

Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen

– Many district citizens must have experienced the greatest moment of the Olympic Games in Munich even before the starting gun was fired for the first competition.

On August 25, 1972, the torch crossed the county, an event that our newspaper unhesitatingly described as the "event of the century."

Dozens of young athletes in white jerseys carried the torch to their destination, brass bands played, mayors gave speeches - even if some things fell victim to the relentless schedule.

In any case, the response of the citizens was gigantic.

"That's more than Leonhardi," it was said in Tölz.

And in Wolfratshausen several boys had crept into the belfry of St. Andreas to hear everything.


The route of the torchbearers through the county.


The torch was lit exactly one month before the start of the Games, on July 28, at the Games' origin in Greece.

The path led through eight countries: Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Austria and the Federal Republic.

Because they wanted to connect the winter venues of Innsbruck (1964) and Garmisch-Partenkirchen (1936), the runners approached the area between the Isar and Loisach from the south.

Coming from Holzkirchen, the torch reached the Altlandkreis in the Dietramszell hamlet of Dietenhausen on August 25 at 1:55 p.m. and left it again at 5:40 p.m. at the Pullach place-name sign.

It was a day full of euphoria and anticipation.

The names of the runners (as far as the editors know)

TuS Geretsried:

Lilly Kraatz, Peter Erbeskorn, Gudrun Weikert, Franz Jahnel, Dieter Zindler, Rüdiger Schönbach, Uwe Kolle, Brigitte Harz, Rainer Adamek, Marianne Huber, Brigitte Leirich, Gerhard Fruehwirth, Dieter Höfler, Gerritt Wassmann, Brigitte Daub.

FF Geretsried:

Klaus Keller, Manfred Rehmann.

TSV Wolfratshausen:

Robert Rader, Kurt Meier, Alois Werner, Karl Reinhold, Hubert Mildner, Georg Benke, Ursula Popp, Julius Brand, Alois Mayer, Toni Deininger, Albert Weindauer Siegfried Heinrich, Sepp Bielmeier.

Friends of nature Wolfratshausen

: Sabine Finsterwalder, Manfred Pötzl, Sepp Mayr, Hans Magerl and the guest from the twin town of Barbezieux, Ives Girardiaux.

TSV Königsdorf

: Günther Schaller, Gusti Huber, Toni Obermüller, Karl Kremser, Franz Kremser, Maria Schwaighofer, Walter Bauer, Helmut Hartmann.

WSVI Icking

: Sepp Wiedenbauer, Konrad Selb, Ralf Kohlbauer, Gerlinde Braun, Lilo Kohlbauer, Hans Hartl, Bernhard Wirth and Ferdinand Lechner.

TSV Schäftlarn

: Paul Obornik, Herta Effgen, Peter Moudry, Rolf Klammer, Mechthild Knoch, Ernst Huber, Günther Heppner, Andreas Zach, Heribert Güttler, Josef Müller, Hermann Lutz senior, Hermann Lutz, Paul Liebhart, Erich Rühmer, Fritz Reuter, Johann Berger, Wolf-Peter Schulte, Alois Auer.

TSV Dietramszell: Hubert Prömmer, Rupert Jaud, Georg Peiß, Josef Kanzler, Franz Steinhauser, Josef Morgenroth, Dagmar Schade, Egon Hugel, Peter Dathe, Rainer Guggemoos, Jakob Kornbichler, Edwin Schade, Michael Brewitzer, Manfred Heinitz, Georg Peiß, Andreas Hölzl , Paul Liebhardt, Karl Gerstl, Sebastian Feichtmeir.

SV Baiernrain:

Willi Manhardt, Paul Pallauf, Hans Schmied, Hans Thalhammer, Fritz Wiedenbauer.

The torch relay through the district had a very special touch.

Because: The Geretsried company Tyczka had developed the Olympic torch.

In 1966, entrepreneur Wolfgang Tyczka heard on the radio that the Olympic Games were being held in Munich and immediately commissioned his manager to develop the hand torch.

"What followed was four years of hard work," he later told our newspaper.

After all, the flame should withstand wind and weather.

The head of department of the organizing committee, Hans Joachim Körner, subjected them to the ultimate practical test.

He held the finished torch out of a car traveling at 50 miles an hour and watered it with a watering can.

The torch continued to burn.

Also read: This is how Gabriele Stauner experienced her time as a hostess

The path of the Olympic flame followed a meticulous script.

Discipline was required from everyone involved if they wanted to stick to the following plan: Dietramszell (2:10 p.m.), Schönegg-Nordende (2:15 p.m.), Linden (2:32 p.m.), Reuth (2:38 p.m.), Weihermühle (2:54 p.m.), Ascholding (3:03 p.m.). ), St. George's Chapel (3.07 p.m.), Tattenkofen Bridge (3.20 p.m.), Rathausplatz Geretsried (3.38 p.m.) followed by a lap of honor near Tyczka on Blumenstraße, Buchberg curve (3.55 p.m.), Waldram entrance (4.02 p.m.), Schiesstättstraße (16.06 p.m.), Nantwein Cemetery (4.11 p.m.), Obere Loisachbrücke (4.15 p.m.), Marienplatz (4.17 p.m.), Walchstadt (4.44 p.m.), Ebenhausen (5.06 p.m.), Hohenschäftlarn (5.10 p.m.), Baierbrunn Town Hall (5.25 p.m.), Buchenhain railway barrier (5.32 p.m.), Pullach town sign (5.40 p.m.).

Hard to believe, but true:

There were no delays.

In Ascholding, the convoy escorted by the police even had to make an involuntary stop.

You were two minutes early.

Also read: Königsdorf almost got the rowing regatta

The torch in Geretsried, the "birthplace of the torch", as our newspaper called it at the time, aroused the greatest interest.

Around 10,000 visitors lined the streets.

At the intersection of Adalbert-Stifterstrasse and Isaraustrasse, the music association smashes the “Bürgermeister-Schneider-Marsch” and at Karl-Lederer-Platz the Geretsried town band and the Königsdorf brass band received the last runner of the TuS Geretsried, Brigitte Daub, who there was a permanently installed original torch lit.

Most citizens should have watched it on television the next day as the torch arrived in Munich.

Final runner Günter Zahn climbed the 164 steps and lit the Olympic flame in the Olympic Stadium – also powered by Tyczka gas.

The games could begin.

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