The Limited Times

The Palestinian Foreign Ministry renews its call to the international community to stop the continuing crimes of the occupation

8/27/2022, 4:15:23 PM

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs renewed its call on the international community to stop the crimes of the Israeli occupation

Occupied Jerusalem-SANA

The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs renewed its call on the international community to stop the continuing crimes of the Israeli occupation against Palestinian prisoners.

In a statement today, reported by Wafa Agency, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the prisoners inside the occupation prisons suffer various methods of criminal behavior, including systematic psychological and physical torture, solitary confinement, repression, abuse, beating, humiliation, and the policy of deliberate medical neglect in order to break their will and liquidate them, especially the sick and those on hunger strike, in violation of international laws and in violation of international laws. The simplest principles of human rights.

The Foreign Ministry confirmed that it will communicate with all international bodies and human rights institutions to immediately intervene and expose the crimes of the occupation against the prisoners and to prosecute them legally in international forums, pointing out that the violations of the occupation against them are added to a long list of war crimes committed against the Palestinian people.

It is noteworthy that Palestinian cities witness daily vigils in support of the prisoners and to demand the international community to pressure the occupation to release them, especially the sick and hunger strikers.

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