The Limited Times

With Bibi and the children in the pool: behind the scenes of the union between Smotrich and Laban Gvir - voila! 2022 election

8/27/2022, 8:09:03 PM

The speed with which the agreement for the joint run was signed managed to surprise even the main mediator Netanyahu, who with its implementation will be able to conduct an aggressive campaign to increase the power of his party

With Bibi and the children in the pool: behind the scenes of the union between Smotrich and Ben Gavir

The speed with which the agreement for the joint run was signed managed to surprise even the main mediator Netanyahu, who with its implementation will be able to conduct an aggressive campaign to increase the power of his party.

This desire of his led him to call the two to Caesarea, where Ben Gvir arrived at short notice, and concluded the agreement a few moments before the Sabbath

Yaki Adamker


Saturday, August 27, 2022, 10:41 p.m. Updated: 10:58 p.m.

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In the video: Ben Gvir calls on Smotrich to hold a referendum that will determine the size of the parties in the joint list (Photo: Roni Kanfo)

The agreement for a joint run signed on Friday between the chairman of religious Zionism, Bezalel Smotrich and the chairman of Otzma Yehudit, Itamar Ben Gabir - managed to surprise even the main mediator Netanyahu.

On Tuesday, when the Likud chairman first entered into the secret of affairs and decided that "we must unite" he did not believe that within three days, on Friday, an hour before the start of Shabbat, after persuasive talks with the two - they would sign the long-awaited document. Even in the terms of recent years, it is In an unprecedented event - the religious Zionist parties sign a joint run more than two weeks before the closing of the lists, history in political terms even at a time when elections in Israel are held every year.

Netanyahu really wanted the joint union of Smotrich and Ben Gvir.

He presented each of them with survey data showing the danger that none of them would pass the threshold if they ran separately and defined it as a "great danger" for the quest to obtain the 61 mandates in the upcoming elections.

Now that the two have united - he will be able to conduct an aggressive campaign on the eve of the elections to increase the strength of the Likud without fearing the blocking percentage of one of them.

In addition to the fact that a party in which Ben Gabir would manage affairs alone was supposed to be much more difficult for him - if he formed the next government.

The strong desire led Netanyahu to call the two to a meeting in Caesarea.

After lengthy talks led by Likud MK Yoav Kish, Netanyahu's representative - with the parties. The first to arrive at the villa in Caesarea was Religious Zionist Chairman Smotrich.

It was a persuasive call.

Truth be told, Smotrich didn't have much of a choice.

Although he believes that Ben Gabir is an "inflated balloon in the polls", as he testified in closed conversations in recent times, 9-7 mandates for Ben Gabir that week - did not leave him too much room for maneuver.

After the conversation with Netanyahu, Ben Gabir was summoned.

The union surprised even Netanyahu.

Smotrich and Ben Gvir (photo: Flash 90, official website)

Netanyahu's villa was surrounded by photographers.

He was asked to wait at a nearby villa belonging to members of the Netanyahu family.

Ben Gvir was on his way to the Machane Yehuda market with his children, and from there he planned to continue to the funeral of a religious Zionist rabbi who had passed away.

Netanyahu told him "come with the children".

Ben Gabir waited in the nearby villa, some of his children jumped into the pool and one of them played football with his father.

When Netanyahu entered, he introduced himself to each of them and played a little with Ben Gabir's son.

After Netanyahu's conversation with Ben Gabir - Smotrich got on the line.

The three had a conversation together, and at one point Ben Gabir continued the conversation with him on his way home.

The two signed the agreement through WhatsApp correspondence.

Ben Gabir arrived at his house 4 minutes before "sunset time", the last time when Shabbat is allowed.

The agreement between Smotrich and Ben Gvir is fair to both parties, although the latter benefits more from it.

Ben Gabir demanded five places in the top ten and got it, he asked for his name to appear on the ballot and his demand was granted and Smotrich managed to keep the incumbent members of the Knesset elected in the primaries in realistic places and received the financing unit for the tenth place even though it is a representative of Otzma Yehudit.

But the debate between the two that took place over the places at the end of the top ten mainly shows that Ben Gvir himself did not believe the polls that predicted 9 mandates for him and that Smotrich is not convinced that together they will achieve this number together.

They also know that even if the polls predict 9-11 mandates for them a month and a half before the elections, it may end up being much less than that.

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