The Limited Times

Interview|Yang Runxiong: Investigating the investigation of flying to criminalize MIRROR concert accident through three aspects

8/28/2022, 11:15:48 PM

A serious accident occurred at the MIRROR concert, and the LCSD, Labour Department and the police are investigating. When the Secretary of the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau, Yang Yunxiong, was interviewed, he was investigating the accident through three aspects, including whether it involved human misunderstanding.

A serious accident occurred at the MIRROR concert, and the LCSD, Labour Department and the police are investigating.

When interviewed by the Director of the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau, Yang Yunxiong, he was investigating the accident through three aspects, including whether human negligence was involved.

As for the issue of "specializing scalpers", Yang Runxiong pointed out that the real-name system for MIRROR concerts was piloted in the Red Pavilion for the first time, and it was initially proved that it could work. He would continue to discuss with the industry in the future. direction.

Yang Runxiong: Only when the investigation is completed can the responsibility be judged

The MIRROR concert accident is still under investigation. The contents disclosed last week were all technical issues, such as cable tension and equipment problems. However, the cause of these problems has not yet been determined, as it involves a more in-depth investigation. .

Yang Runxiong said that the accident happened on July 28. The bureau saw the seriousness of the incident and also attracted the attention of the general public. The government attaches great importance to it.

The bureau first requested that the performance be stopped immediately, and the organizer also cancelled the subsequent performances.

Afterwards, the government conducted an investigation from three aspects, including the LCSD as the venue owner, to understand why the incident occurred and what procedure went wrong, so as to prevent future accidents in various venues of the LCSD.

Secondly, since the performance venue is the workplace and someone is injured at the workplace, the Labour Department should understand the responsibility.

The third is that the police also need to investigate whether there is any criminal element involved, including whether there is negligence.

Yang Yunxiong pointed out that the responsibilities of the parties involved can only be determined after the Labour Department and the police fully investigate the details of the incident in accordance with the law.

Increased safeguards are imperative but must not hinder industry operations

After the incident, there were voices requesting to increase the rental conditions to ensure that there would be no accidents for users.

Yang Runxiong said that how to ensure the safety of rental venues is the future direction of work, and the best way to deal with it will be discussed with the industry, otherwise adding too many restrictions may hinder the actual operation of the industry.

The LCSD has stated that it hopes to submit a report in the next month. Yang Yunxiong said that one of the key points is what conditions should be added to reduce the possibility of accidents when the LCSD rents out the premises.

As the LCSD has different venue layouts, the City Hall and other venues have fixed facilities, while the Yi Pavilion and the Red Pavilion can freely set up the stage. The management method of each venue needs to be discussed with the industry.

The real-name system for concerts has initially successfully cracked down on scalpers and discussed with the industry again

The MIRROR concert will have both sadness and joy. The sadness is of course an accident. The joy is that the real-name system trial of the concert for fans to watch the autumn waters has been successful.

Yang Runxiong said that the real-name system for the MIRROR concert was initially tested, and initially accounted for 30% of all tickets.

The industry reported that there are many operational situations, such as the need to reserve tickets for sponsors. Yang Runxiong admitted that from the perspective of the bureau, of course, it hopes that Hong Kong citizens can get tickets fairly, but at the same time, the business operation behind the industry must be considered.

Yang Runxiong said many times in the interview, "The bureau and the industry do not want the phenomenon of "scalpers flying", but how to stop this situation needs further discussion, and the real-name system can be one of the methods.

Criminalization can be considered internal subscription real-name system to consider the operation of sponsors

In recent months, there have been many suggestions to put an end to "flying scalpers". Some point out that the current government venues such as the Red Pavilion and the Yi Pavilion are not required to apply under the "Public Places Entertainment Ordinance", so that "scalpers flying" have no criminal responsibility.

Yang Runxiong said that amending the ordinance is one of the directions that can be considered, but there are also cases of "flying" in other venues. It is necessary to think about how to minimize the overall "flying" behavior, emphasizing that no possibility is ruled out.

It is suggested that the tickets for internal subscription are real-name system. Yang Runxiong said that he will discuss with the industry again, because he has to consider how the sponsors allocate the tickets in their hands.

The market speculation situation has improved, adding restrictions or flexibility to avoid disturbing the public

The first step in the real-name system to crack down on "speculation" can be regarded as a success.

Yang Runxiong said that new systems and measures have been adopted, and the overall situation of "speculation" has improved, but it has not been completely eliminated for the time being, and will continue to work hard in the future. For public use, why do we need to send people to use the money to get money? This is absolutely not what the government wants to see." Yang Runxiong said that when requesting the use of the venue, the person who made the reservation must be present, but Some situations cause inconvenience to the public.

He pointed out that if a lot of restrictions are added to avoid "speculation", there will be a lot of administrative measures, and it is necessary to take into account whether the public will find it difficult to book a venue, and if we want to provide flexibility for temporary situations, we must also strike a balance." You said that the book market should be kept in the Duohui for inspection. The people who speculate in the market are really staying in Duduo, which increases the cost of the book, but it is profitable, and the practice will affect the public. So every time you do more, there is a cost. There are costs to Qu (market speculators) and ordinary citizens.”

He mentioned that each absentee case must be reviewed and handled flexibly, and the cost will be very large. "You have to put up a form again, our colleagues have to check again, and maybe we have to verify the reasons", and whether flexibility will become a loophole , must be considered as a whole, and the detailed measures have to wait for the LCSD to study.

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