The Limited Times

Melons, ready to protect the house, no one will be thrown out

8/29/2022, 1:11:14 PM

"Ready to protect the home of the Italians. The home is the primary asset around which people build their future". (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - MESSINA, 29 AUGUST - "Ready to protect the Italian home. The home is the primary asset around which people build their future".

Giorgia Meloni affirms this on Facebook, announcing that "Brothers of Italy will approve a law that will say one simple thing: the first house is not foreclosable, except of course for the non-payment of any mortgage loan that is imposed on it and in case of prolonged arrears against of the condominium ".

   "And we will also approve another law - adds the leader of Fdiattesa shortly in Messina - which provides for the immediate evacuation of the illegal occupations of other people's homes, without exception and stratagems. Each owner, tenant, assignee of the property, if he will suffer the illegal occupation of his home, he will have the State at his side. Immediately! With FdI in the government, no one will have to fear being thrown out of their home. "
