The Limited Times

Imam Iquioussen on the run, listed in the file of wanted persons

8/30/2022, 9:17:11 PM

The authorities, who went to the preacher's home after the Council of State decided to expel him, did not find him. He could have gone to Belgium.

Imam Hassan Iquioussen, whose expulsion by Gérald Darmanin was validated by the Council of State on Tuesday August 30, is considered to be on the run and has been listed in the file of wanted persons (RPF), AFP learned from a source. close to the file.

After the decision of the Council of State, the police went in the afternoon to the home of the preacher of Moroccan nationality, in Lourches near Valenciennes (North) in order to arrest him to deport him to Morocco.

But they did not find him, according to a source familiar with the matter who raised the possibility that he was in Belgium.