The Limited Times

New take-off attempt on Saturday for NASA's rocket to the Moon

8/30/2022, 11:05:07 PM

NASA announced on Tuesday August 30 that it would attempt to launch its new mega rocket to the Moon on Saturday, after a failed first attempt on Monday at...

NASA announced on Tuesday (August 30) that it would attempt to launch its new mega-rocket to the Moon on Saturday, after a first failed attempt on Monday due to a technical problem.

"We have agreed to change our take-off date to Saturday, September 3,"

said Mike Sarafin, in charge at NASA of the Artemis 1 mission, which should mark the start of the mission, at a press conference. of the American return to the moon program.

A meteorological official said he was


about the weather on Saturday, although the likelihood of unfavorable conditions during the two-hour shooting window, which begins at 2:17 p.m. local time (1817 GMT), is



Read alsoArtemis, NASA's great return to the Moon

The launch of the rocket was canceled on Monday at the last moment due to a cooling problem in one of the four main engines, under the main stage.

These RS-25 engines need to be cooled so they don't get shocked by the ultra-cold fuel when ignited.

But one of them could not reach the desired temperature.

This temperature is reached by letting a tiny part of the cryogenic fuel escape on the engines.

This problem was due to a

"poor connection"

on an element of the craft, which has since been


, said John Honeycutt, in charge of the rocket program.

A leak problem when filling the fuel tanks was also observed on Monday, and even if it could be overcome, NASA teams will work to fix it by Saturday.

The Artemis 1 mission is to launch the unmanned Orion capsule into orbit around the Moon, to verify that the vehicle is safe for future astronauts - including the first woman and the first person of color to walk on the lunar surface.