The Limited Times

Pay attention to cleaners in order to do a good job in garbage disposal

8/30/2022, 10:41:06 PM

In recent years, the government has enhanced the rights and interests of outsourced cleaners, especially in terms of salary arrangements and tendering criteria, but it is still lacking in the configuration of working facilities and equipment. According to a survey report, the interviewed FEHD garbage station cleaners

In recent years, the government has enhanced the rights and interests of outsourced cleaners, especially in terms of salary arrangements and tendering criteria, but it is still lacking in the configuration of working facilities and equipment.

According to a survey report, the interviewed FEHD refuse station cleaners still feel unwell even if they work in refurbished and newly built refuse stations. Some of the reasons are higher than those of the old stations.

Oxfam announced on Monday (29th) the results of a commissioned agency interview of 200 outsourced cleaners from the FEHD from June to July. Over 30% of the interviewed workers worked in refurbished or newly built refuse stations.

Nearly two-thirds of the interviewed cleaners indicated that it was related to the hot and humid conditions and poor ventilation. As many as 43% of the interviewed workers said that their employers did not provide drinking water and 13% said that their employers did not provide hats, reflecting that a considerable number of employers did not fully Implement the Labour Department's guidelines on "Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work in Extremely Hot Environments".

The environment of the garbage station is harsh, and only half of the respondents will rest in the station, and only about 12% of them said that the station they belong to is provided with air conditioners or air purifiers.

More than 65% of the surveyed cleaning workers often feel unwell when working in the refuse station, mainly due to the sultry air and stagnant air.

(Photo provided by Oxfam)

It is more common for some employees not to do business in the new garbage station

The report suggests that the government should increase the number of heat-cooling equipment, and even provide employees with high-temperature allowances, establish standards for work stoppages in extreme heat, and provide a lounge for bus employees in long-unrenovated garbage dumps.

Several measures are also worthy of the government's consideration, but the report raises a deeper question as to why the government has been so indifferent to the working conditions of frontline workers.

In recent years, the FEHD is renovating or building new refuse stations, so the new stations should alleviate the old problems, and the FEHD also lists several well-equipped refuse stations on its official website, showing examples of improving the working environment of cleaning practitioners.

However, the research report pointed out that more than one quarter of the workers in the new station complained that mosquitoes and rodents were causing physical discomfort, and one sixth said that the deodorization system was not good. If it is higher, it means that the proportion of hot and humid is also up to 50%.

Why are some physical discomfort problems more common in the new station?

This is most likely due to the fact that FEHD did not include its staff as a stakeholder in the facility planning, and there are still rules in the planning.

The FEHD handles more than 1,000 refuse stations, of which only 164 are permanent refuse stations with electricity and water supply, as well as lockers or other electrical appliances for staff use.

(Photo by Mo Jiawen)

The cleaner who considered the design of the garbage station was not consulted

At the press conference, representatives of Oxfam and the trade union criticized the planning and design of the waste station by focusing on improving waste disposal and neglecting the well-being of employees, even in the new station. The odor accumulates in the station and is borne by the workers.

Another example is the small space in the lounge, which is already crowded for several people, and it is not separated from the garbage disposal area.

In short, the whole process is not fully "people-oriented".

After the report was published, Li Meixiao, vice chairman of the FEHD Workers' Rights Union, pointed out in an interview with "Hong Kong 01" that the FEHD listed the necessary facilities for refuse stations with reference to internal guidelines, but seldom considered the establishment of staff lounges, The changing room and even the work space for the foreman were not available. The ArchSD then designed the refuse station according to the "Meal List" of the FEHD.

In the future, when the cleaners express that the facilities are insufficient, the FEHD can only make minor repairs due to the difficulty of reconstruction, such as adding a ventilation device to the storage room to double as a rest room.

The urban refuse station facilities are insufficient, and many rural refuse stations also lack water, electricity and toilet connections, and the situation is even worse.

A few, such as the Tanner Road Refuse Station, are fully equipped. Lee Mei-siao pointed out that the quality of the design was improved because the site was built with private participation.

The waste disposal process will not be fully automated in the foreseeable future, and will still rely on a large number of cleaners.

Although the workers spend most of their time on duty outside, they also have to go back and forth to the garbage station for supplies, changing clothes, storage, and rest.

As a municipal service provider, FEHD must provide staff facilities for refuse stations, and maintain close communication with front-line staff on a regular basis, solicit users' opinions, and revise the planning guidelines for refuse stations according to their opinions.

Even if the actual service provision is entrusted to a contractor, the FEHD, together with the Labour Department, must always urge the contractor to fulfill the employer's responsibilities, take good care of labor protections such as hot weather, and severely punish the contractors who violate the regulations.

The new government has set up a regional coordinating working group to improve Hong Kong's environmental hygiene and city appearance. It can be seen that the workload and pressure of cleaning workers will be heavier, and it is more important to improve the working environment of workers.

It is difficult to work in the heat of the outdoor. Officials don’t have enough fans to send the throat. The longer the working time, the better