The Limited Times

"Could you govern?" with Olaf Scholz: Chancellor asks children's questions again on Sat.1

8/31/2022, 12:58:17 PM

Children's questions put the CDU candidate Laschet on the slippery slope in the federal election campaign. Now Sat.1 is asking the incumbent Chancellor to explain his policy in such a way that children can understand it.

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Chancellor Scholz is questioned by children: What is a turning point, Uncle Olaf?


Claudius Plow / SAT.1

Almost a year after the general election, Sat.1 confronts the chancellor and two cabinet members with children's issues.

The private broadcaster shows »Can you govern?

Baerbock, Scholz & Lauterbach back in school” on September 22, a Thursday, from 8:15 p.m.

The format is the continuation of the political documentary "Can you chancellorship?" Sat.1 announced on Wednesday.

In the election campaign before September 26, 2021, the chancellor candidates Olaf Scholz (SPD) and Armin Laschet (CDU) and the candidate Annalena Baerbock (Greens) answered children's questions.

The new show was taped in August.

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) and Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) visited the students in a classroom in Berlin.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz invited the children to the Chancellery.

more on the subject

  • Questions about Maassen and marriage for everyone: Laschet reacts snotty to child reporters

  • Annalena Baerbock in the "Late Night Berlin" children's tent: "Is it your fault that the Greens are losing?" By Felix Bayer

  • Failed Laschet appearance: Do child reporters really ask the better questions? A workshop report by Marco Wedig

  • Laschet's interview with Pauline and Romeo: »Children don't speak like that«

In the 2021 election campaign, a section of the “Late Night Berlin” program on ProSieben caused a greater stir than the Sat.1 format.

Under the motto »Children ask...«, the chancellor candidates were questioned by children, who were at least closely supervised by the adult editors.

The situation made the Union candidate Laschet answer snotty questions asked by two eleven-year-old children.


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