The Limited Times

Gazprom: (North Stream 1) operates at 20% capacity

8/31/2022, 6:40:16 PM

Moscow, SANA- The head of the Russian company Gazprom Alexei Miller announced that the gas pipeline Moscow-Sana The head of Russia's Gazprom Corporation, Alexei Miller, announced that the "North Stream 1" gas pipeline is operating at 20 percent of its capacity as a result of the sanctions imposed by the West on Russia and rebounded against it. "The Portovaya station is currently operating at 20 percent, and the reason for this is the sanctions against Russia," he told RIA Novosti news agency,


The head of Russia's Gazprom Corporation, Alexei Miller, announced that the "North Stream 1" gas pipeline is operating at 20 percent of its capacity as a result of the sanctions imposed by the West on Russia and rebounded against it.

"The Portovaya station is currently operating at 20 percent, and the reason for this is the sanctions against Russia," he told RIA Novosti news agency, adding, "Our opponents issued a large number of sanctions until they themselves fell into the sanctions trap they set for us."

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov had previously confirmed that the Europeans were the reason behind the cessation of gas pumping from Russia through the "Northern Stream 1", through the sanctions they imposed on Moscow.

Moscow had previously confirmed that technical obstacles due to Western sanctions prevent the work of "Northern Stream 1" to its full capacity.

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