The Limited Times

Ludwigshafen in Rhineland-Palatinate: Drug investigations against Hessian police officers during a music video shoot

8/31/2022, 12:58:23 PM

Screams and fighting noises during the production of a music video: the police are checking in an apartment in Ludwigshafen. There she discovers narcotics and two Hessian riot police officers.

Photo: Carsten Rehder/ picture alliance/dpa

Two Hessian riot police officers, who are already being investigated for a narcotics offence, were found in a Ludwigshafen apartment with suspected other drugs.

Two kilograms of a white substance were found in the apartment, the spokesman for the Frankenthal public prosecutor said when asked.

A preliminary test showed that it was amphetamine.

According to the spokesman, 925 grams of a substance that looks and smells like marijuana was also found.

Both substances are at the State Criminal Police Office of Rhineland-Palatinate for assessment.

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The two men probably shot a music video with 14 other people in the apartment last June.

Screams and the sounds of fighting coming from the apartment were reported to police.

Rhineland-Palatinate police officers then checked on site, according to the spokesman for the public prosecutor.

Policeman is also said to have forged documents

It is still unclear what kind of acquaintance there is between the 14 people and the two riot police officers.

It is assumed that they were there as extras.

In addition, one of the officers is suspected of forging documents.

In the trunk of his car - a former patrol car of the Hessian police - there were four pairs of license plates.

Here there is a suspicion that the glued-on state seal and the TÜV badge could be forged, according to the spokesman for the authorities.

The relevant investigations are still ongoing.

Criminal proceedings are pending against the two Hessian police officers on suspicion of violating the Narcotics Act.

In addition, according to the Hessian riot police headquarters, disciplinary proceedings have been initiated.

However, the disciplinary investigations are suspended pending the completion of the criminal investigations.
