The Limited Times

New York bans armed walks in Times Square

8/31/2022, 6:33:28 PM

From Thursday it will be forbidden to walk around with a firearm, even concealed, in the famous district of Times Square in Manhattan, as in...

From Thursday it will be forbidden to walk around with a firearm, even concealed, in the famous district of Times Square in Manhattan, as in many public places in the State and in New York City, announced on Wednesday August 31 the authorities.

The new legislation, passed and signed this summer by New York State led by Democratic Governor Kathy Hochul and the megacity led by Democratic right-wing mayor Eric Adams, takes effect September 1. .

It is a reaction of New York and other democratic states such as California to the "


" judgment of the Supreme Court of the United States - with a conservative majority - which had consecrated at the end of June the constitutional right of Americans to leave their homes armed.

Read alsoPort d'armes, wokisme, abortion, racism, covid: the United States at the time of the great fracture


The Supreme Court's decision was a gunshot that resonated around the world

," said the very martial Eric Adams, a former police captain who fought against violence, during a press briefing. by firearm the backbone of his tenure.

New York City will defend itself against this decision and, starting tomorrow, new requirements take effect for the right to concealed carry of a firearm in sensitive places like Times Square

,” he said. he explains.

"Times Square: Gun Free Zone"

The mayor unveiled a "

Times Square: Gun Free Zone



that will be hung by Thursday in and around this iconic square in the heart of Manhattan, where electronic billboards stand giants lit day and night for the 50 million visitors who flock there each year.

The governor of the country's fourth state (20 million inhabitants) added that these weapons, even "


" in cases, bags or pockets, will be prohibited in "

bars, libraries, schools, public services and hospitals

" in the region. .

Ms. Hochul said she "

refuses to waive (her) government duty to protect New Yorkers from gun violence


These prohibitions do not apply to law enforcement.

The Supreme Court in Washington, whose majority of judges are conservatives, had invalidated on June 23 the “


” on the carrying of weapons provided for by a 1913 law of the State of New York, even though America is facing to an outbreak of crime in major cities and a series of killings, including two in May, in Buffalo (10 African-American deaths) and in a school in Texas (21 killed, including 19 children).

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