The Limited Times

Not just medicine and law: 5 courses that promise a high salary

8/31/2022, 3:33:37 PM

Not just medicine and law: 5 courses that promise a high salary Created: 08/31/2022, 17:20 By: Jason Blaschke The question of what you can earn later is one aspect when looking for a suitable place to study. Five majors are promising. Stuttgart – Factors such as delivery bottlenecks as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, the war in Ukraine and the energy crisis are fueling consumer prices in

Not just medicine and law: 5 courses that promise a high salary

Created: 08/31/2022, 17:20

By: Jason Blaschke

The question of what you can earn later is one aspect when looking for a suitable place to study.

Five majors are promising.

Stuttgart – Factors such as delivery bottlenecks as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, the war in Ukraine and the energy crisis are fueling consumer prices in Germany.

This also reflects the record inflation of more than seven percent in Germany - "the euro will be the new lira," writes a user on Facebook.

Coupled with increasingly expensive rents in many cities, a good salary is becoming all the more important.

Studies promise top pay: starting salary breaks the 30,000 euro mark

No wonder that many are already thinking about later earning options when choosing a career.

The 5 apprenticeships with top salaries, for which a degree is not even necessary, are ideal for this.

Conversely, according to reports from


, there are also courses that promise a high salary later on.

Here one quickly thinks of studying medicine or law,

but these only appear in third and fourth place in the

kununu ranking.

Instead, the best salary prospects are offered by studying computer science, which offers good prospects for young people in times of digitization, because computer scientists are in demand in many companies.

According to


, the salaries that a student can expect after completing their bachelor's or master's thesis are correspondingly lucrative.

The starting salary in Germany is already decent at 32,500 euros. 

Top salaries for computer scientists: Many exciting professions are possible later

On average, a graduate computer scientist earns a gross annual salary of 55,500 euros, experienced computer scientists can even count on up to 91,100 euros.

The salary also depends on the job you choose after your studies.

According to kununu

, you earn the most money

as an infrastructure specialist, but business IT specialists or software developers can also look forward to high salaries in Germany, an overview:


Annual gross salary (⌀) in EUR

infrastructure specialist


software developer


Business Informatics Specialist


Software Quality Manager


game designer


However, those who decide to study computer science should be interested and have good grades in mathematics and physics.

An analytical understanding and problem-solving skills are also advantageous.

Two qualities that can also be an advantage in a business administration degree, which occupies second place in the ranking of the five courses that promise a high salary later on.

A degree in business administration promises good salary prospects – under one condition

According to


, it is primarily students who specialize in business administration during their studies that later benefit from high salaries.

The areas of marketing, market research or controlling are lucrative, with average gross annual salaries of up to EUR 57,000 later possible.

And the starting salaries for fresh university or university graduates are also impressive, an overview:


Starting salary (⌀) in EUR



market researcher


media planner


Marketing Manager


Third and fourth place in the


ranking of courses that promise a high salary later on are taken by medicine and law – both disciplines are considered to be extremely demanding and students have to invest a lot of time.

Lawyers study at least nine semesters, but often longer.

And if you want to become a doctor, you usually have to complete up to 13 semesters.

Anyone studying medicine or law in Germany must also observe a numerus clausus.

Medical and law degrees are long and demanding, but they pay off

However, those who choose one of the two courses and go through with it will be rewarded with good salary prospects.

According to kununu

, both physicians and lawyers

often earn more than 50,000 euros gross per year.

The top professions are judge and public prosecutor for law graduates and specialist or senior physician for medical students.

A doctoral degree can be obtained in both courses, but this is compulsory for practicing physicians.


Annual gross salary (⌀) in EUR

Senior Physician (Clinic)










Last place in the ranking goes to a course that is unpopular as a school subject for many students: natural sciences.

Anyone who is enthusiastic about biology, physics or chemistry should definitely take a look at the subjects.

Because here, after graduating, students can expect not only a good salary but also many prospects.

Astronauts, for example, are mostly natural scientists by training.

Studying natural sciences scores with top jobs and good salaries

But there are also many professional doors open to natural scientists on Earth who have completed their studies – the profession of marine biologist is interesting, for example, with an average annual gross salary of 43,900 euros.

But chemists (EUR 60,600) or physicists (EUR 67,900) can also look forward to a high salary in business.

If you are not an academic, by the way, you can find what you are looking for in the ranking of the 5 jobs that nobody wants to do even though they are well paid.

"Money is nice, but it doesn't make you happy on its own," concludes the message from



In their concluding remarks, the authors recall the fact that money is important, but should not only be decisive for a field of study.

After all, it makes no sense to start studying if you are not interested or if your own talents lie somewhere else, the authors conclude.