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She suffered from constipation for a month and documented her swelling stomach and her struggles to empty on Tiktok - voila! health

8/31/2022, 9:03:30 PM

A Tiktok user documented for a month her failed attempts to evacuate and her growing belly. She finally had to undergo colostomy surgery and recorded the first time she "emptied"

She suffered from constipation for a month and documented her swelling stomach and her struggles to empty on Tiktok

TikTok user Sherin Docherty documented for a month her failed attempts to evacuate and her bulging belly.

She finally had to undergo colostomy surgery and continued to document the first time she was able to "empty" with the help of a stoma bag.

Her exposure encouraged others to reveal their stoma bags

not to be missed


Thursday, 01 September 2022, 00:02

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Suffered a whole month of constipation due to a mysterious illness (cherineandcathydoll/Tiktok)

A TikTok user gained a quarter of a million followers when she shared her struggles trying to defecate for a whole month of failed attempts, a swollen stomach and severe pain.

39-year-old Sharyn Docherty began documenting her constipation after mysteriously developing bowel problems in February 2022 - and is now living with a stoma bag after months of treatment for an unknown illness.

Docherty has shared her struggles - from a bloated and painful belly to torn stoma bags - on her TikTok page and is receiving support and encouragement for being open and honest about her struggles to poop and her frequent visits to doctors and hospitals without getting answers.

The Scottish woman attracted a lot of attention after she posted a TikTok video on July 11 in which she wrote: "Day 34 of not doing [poop emoji]," showing off her swollen belly and saying she looked like she was eight months pregnant.


Im so done with being like this??

♬ original sound - Cherine

The video gained more than a million views and Docherty continued to share her difficult dealings with the situation on the channel.

She underwent colostomy surgery on July 15 after months of being in and out of the hospital, where every four weeks she was given medication to ease bowel movements.

In colostomy surgery, the surgeon creates an opening in the abdominal wall to which he connects the end of the intestine.

That is, a new ring mouth is formed in the stomach, at the end of which is attached a bag that collects the contents of the emptying intestine - the stoma bag.

The day after the operation, she was finally able to defecate - despite experiencing "the worst pain ever".

She celebrated the achievement with another Tiktok video that gained more than 400 thousand views.

She wrote on top of the video: "I finally pooped in my new sealed bag."

good to know (in advance)

The solution to knee pain is closer than ever - thanks to technology in the shoe

Submitted by Apostrophe


I genuinely wouldn't have gotten through all of this without all the support from you guys!!!

I will continue documenting this journey and raising awareness ????

♬ original sound - Cherine

The open talk about her condition and the use of a stoma bag won a lot of praise online.

"Bless you, continue your optimism, thank you for raising awareness of a subject that is rarely talked about," wrote a viewer in the comments, and another - who said that she was helped by a stoma bag in the past - added: "Take each day at a time. Little by little."

In videos she later posted, Docherty said she was very concerned about her health because she had asthma and stage 3 chronic kidney disease, which she feared would worsen.

Docherty told Insider that her doctors preferred to perform a procedure called an ileumectomy, an operation in which the colon is bypassed with the lower part of the small intestine connected directly to the anal canal.

However, it was reportedly a 12-hour operation with a long waiting list, so a decision was made to forgo.

Before and after surgery:




♬ tiptap foot transition - the yonn don.



♬ Mumma's Having a Baby - Woody's World


Surgery went well guys!!

Im in so much pain but not long and I will be back to my cheery self.

Night night for now!!


♬ original sound - Cherine

Docherty shared on TikTok some of the horror stories she went through before and after the surgery, including a leaking stoma bag - a recurring occurrence for many patients in her condition.

"I'm not kidding when I say I was covered in shit," she told Insider, "It was an absolute nightmare. I was so scared of it happening again that I set an alarm every hour, every night since I got out of the hospital."

Docherty said she still doesn't know the cause of her bowel problems, but is grateful for the support she's received and for helping others find answers to their medical problems.

She added that her viewers helped lift her spirits and gave her helpful advice.

"There are a lot of big Tiktok stars who get negative reactions, but for some reason - I don't," she said, "A lot of people tag me in their videos and say, 'This is the first video I've made, but here's my ostomy bag, thank you so much for encouraging me to do this.' It feels so good."

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  • constipation

  • Intestines

  • tiktok