The Limited Times

The prisoner Awawda suspends his hunger strike after his victory in the Battle of Will over the occupation

8/31/2022, 6:58:15 PM

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- Palestinian prisoner Khalil Awawda suspended his 172-day hunger strike after S.

Occupied Jerusalem-SANA

Palestinian prisoner Khalil Awawda suspended his hunger strike, which lasted for 172 days, after the Israeli occupation authorities acquiesced to his demands and released him due to his insistence and determination to fight the occupation and the battle of wills and empty intestines.

Wafa news agency quoted the Palestinian Prisoner Club as saying in a statement: An agreement was reached that the occupation authorities commit to releasing the prisoner, Awawda, on the second of next October, provided that he spend the remaining period until his release in hospital to receive treatment, noting that his health condition is very serious. Where he is unable to move or talk.

The family of the prisoner, Awawda, had published two days ago a video clip, in which Awawda sent a message to all the free people of the world, in which he confirmed that his rickety body, of which only bones and skin remained, reflects the barbaric reality of the occupation. the bone, even if the souls are gone.”

It is noteworthy that Awawda announced his first hunger strike on the third of last March and suspended it after 111 days on the twenty-first of June, but the violating occupation authorities of their pledges to release him prompted him to resume his strike on the second of last July.

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