The Limited Times

Football: following the assassination attempt against Cristina Kirchner, the Argentine Federation postpones its meetings

9/2/2022, 7:34:40 AM

Stupor in Argentina after the failed assassination attempt against Cristina Kirchner, vice-president of the country. The Argentine Football Federation (AFA) has decided to postpone the matches scheduled for Friday.

All of Argentina has gasped since the assassination attempt on Vice President Cristina Kirchner on Thursday night.

A young man of Brazilian origin, aged 35 according to the first information from the police, approached the Argentine politician who was getting out of his car to greet the crowd who had come to a signing session.

The assailant then pointed a loaded gun at Kirchner's face before changing his mind.

The shock is such that the Argentine Football Federation has decided to cancel all the matches scheduled for this Friday, including three first division matches: Patronato-Unión, Rosario Central-Talleres and Lanús-Tigre.

Other lower division matches are also affected.

“Social peace has been altered.

For this reason, I have made arrangements to declare tomorrow a national holiday so that, in peace and harmony, the people of Argentina can express themselves in defense of life, democracy and in solidarity with our vice- president.

The Argentine people want to live in democracy and in peace and our government is firmly committed to working every day so that we can achieve this,”

said the President of Argentina Alberto Fernandez.

For context, Cristina Kirchner is at the heart of a controversy, accused of fraud and corruption in her political stronghold of Santa Cruz.

Facts ranging from 2007 to 2015, when she was at the head of the country.

The Argentine prosecutor's office recently requested a 12-year prison sentence and life ineligibility.