The Limited Times

Isabelle Huppert, brave I challenge an elite of men

9/2/2022, 3:52:31 PM

The hair is back red, the small figure, the aggressive style in the all black look with the big dark glasses to protect her, for La Syndacaliste instead Isabelle Huppert has transformed herself, long blond hair and eyeglasses, almost unrecognized ... ( HANDLE)

(ANSA) - VENICE, 02 SEPT - The hair is red again, the small figure, the aggressive style in the all black look with large dark glasses to protect it, for La Syndacaliste instead Isabelle Huppert has transformed, long blond hair and eyeglasses, almost unrecognizable.

"With the character and the real Maureen Kearney we became twins, I accepted a radical transformation aided by director, hairdresser, make-up artist and I really liked this change", of the French actress in Venice.

She is the protagonist of the film by JeanPaul Salomè in competition at Orizzonti, then in theaters with I WonderPictures.

The real trade unionist and NouvelleObservateur journalist Caroline Michel-Aguirre who followed her story saw the film in Paris with the director and cast, "and enjoyed,

    Everything happens in 2012, when the English teacher turned trade unionist goes against the captains of industry of Areva, at the time a French nuclear giant who was about to be absorbed by a Chinese partner.

Thus trying to save thousands of workers.

She was found in her house tied to a chair, with the letter A engraved on her stomach and the handle of a knife in the vagina.

She raped, she reported to the police but she became a suspect victim, sentenced to two years and a 5,000 euro fine.

   She won in 2018 on appeal.

A sensational story that ended in the forgotten house.

"Her courage, her strength, the strong and dignified reaction to what they had done to her and what was going on seemed almost cheeky for a woman.

   I do not want to go into the merits, as an actress I have undertaken to make credible the character on which an atmosphere of suspicion hovers from the beginning, by portraying a tough, angular woman who, with clothes, glasses, accessories and lipstick, wore armor ". ( HANDLE).

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