The Limited Times

What about the bottom decile? The failure of the association and the administration regarding the citizens - voila! sport

9/2/2022, 2:46:18 PM

The difference between the investment of the big three and the rest of the league teams, together with the issue of the citizenship of Miguel Vitor, Ali Muhammad and the other names on the way, is a sign of the gap created in Israeli football

What about the bottom decile?

The failure of the association and the administration regarding the citizens

The difference between the investment of the big three and the rest of the league teams, together with the issue of the citizenship of Miguel Vitor, Ali Muhammad and the other names on the way, is a sign of the gap created in Israeli football.

If the association and the management don't do something about it, quite a few teams and football fans will lose interest and abandon

Ofir Saar


Friday, September 02, 2022, 5:00 p.m

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today's summary clip, 2.9 (Sport1)

Citizen, temporary resident, permanent resident.

Soccer fans are these days exposed to countless definitions that have come up, just due to the fact that soccer teams want to upgrade their professional options in the foreign sector.

Recently it started with Miguel Vitor, my husband Mohamed continued and now Maccabi Tel Aviv wants residency for Enrik Saborit, Hapoel Beer Sheva for Eugene Ansa and this is just the beginning.

One can understand groups that want to upgrade professionally, especially those in the European frameworks against rivals with a double-digit number of foreigners.

At the same time, someone should put order on the issue and not let lawlessness prevail.

If Pedro Galban is thrown out of here, if Dushan Matovic after 11 years without status, it cannot be that only the groups with status and power will join forces with political PR and change the rules of the game. There is a way for everything, or at least there should be.

Don't let promiscuity win.

Ali Muhammad and Miguel Vitor (photo: Walla! NEWS system, Doron Sheiner)

Want to upgrade professionally?

It's not that complicated, start working on sharing a larger amount of strangers.

The association and the administration should also push for the matter instead of closing their eyes when a farce is unfolding in front of their eyes on the issue of naturalization.

Although after what we went through in the summer with Beitar Jerusalem it is difficult to expect too much from the captains, but still, it cannot be that teams here reach 10 foreigners and become citizens and at the same time teams that have 6 foreigners can only share 5 at a time. This already puts the event at a level of discrimination And the aforementioned section in the regulations must be canceled immediately.

And it doesn't just end here.

In 2008, after Beitar Jerusalem's double and a second championship in a row, the chairman of the association at the time, Avi Luzon, agreed with Arkady Gaydmak on limiting budgets and an offset method that would be used in the following season.

If the three-team advantage remains so prominent this year, including results with a five- and six-goal margin, the issue will come up again.

A budget cap is a problematic issue not because it will hurt professional teams, but because it will cause players who play abroad not to return and more young Israelis to get a chance and develop. On the other hand, the clubs will always know how to circumvent this restriction in other ways.

Finding a solution for this is the job of the association and the administration. Knowing how to generate more interest and goals for teams that can't compete for titles. This can start from increasing the top playoff to 8 teams, deciding that teams in 4-7 places will fight in some kind of internal playoff for the extra ticket to Europe, or any solution that will keep these clubs interested and keep them alive .

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The discrimination did not start in his case, nor will it end.

Pedro Galban (Photo: Kobi Eliyahu)

Hapoel Tel Aviv sold close to ten thousand subscribers, its audience is loyal and hungry but it receives blow after blow.

In the end it will be over and he will stay home.

Beitar fans worried about a sell-out in Moshava against Be'er Sheva, passed the 5,000 subscriber mark in a season in which the team looks horrible without aspirations even for the top playoffs, but what's next? There is no problem in not fighting for titles, but entire audiences will disappear from the landscape if no solutions are found that will leave They have an interest in football.

By the way, Yankel'e Shahar rose to a level this summer in terms of investment and began to purchase players for large sums. If Mitch Goldhar and Alona Barkat were to step where they were in recent years in terms of investment, it would be a one-team league and Maccabi Tel Aviv and Be'er Sheva fans would also be Going backwards and slowly emptying the stadium. Football belongs to the fans and the interest in it should not be decided solely by the level of investment of the owners.

At the same time, we hear all the time that "it's like this all over Europe".

It's just that we are not in Europe, there is no sports culture here, the product and the brand are not managed, everything here is hacked and everyone does as much as they like.

In Europe, even in clubs that do not run for titles, the level of management, investment and other academics.

In Israel there are those who steal credit for a product thanks to the big money of three owners who invest tens of millions of shekels and generate interest, while at the same time over 80% of the groups here scrape money for salaries, some do not set aside pensions and benefits, some fire in the middle of a contract or do not receive approval for proper management.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to replace the institutions or the stakeholders, so we have to hope that someone will pick up the glove and really start working on preserving this brand.

  • sport

  • Israeli soccer

  • Super League


  • Miguel Vitor

  • Ali Muhammad