The Limited Times

“We dared like never before”: Louise Attaque will release her new album, “Planète Terre”, on November 4

9/4/2022, 10:44:05 AM

EXCLUSIVE. It is the year of the 25th anniversary of Louise Attaque but also of her fifth album. Six years after "L'Anomalie", the group will release "Planè

They managed to keep the secret for more than four months!

While Louise Attaque celebrated the 25th anniversary of her first album on April 26 with six concerts at the Élysée Montmartre, the group was already preparing the sequel in a studio in the Paris region.

A fifth album, in this case, which will be released on November 4 on the Barclay label, like its predecessor, "L'Anomalie", released six years ago.

This new opus will be called "Planète Terre" and will have eleven songs, including the first single, "Sortir de l'ordinary", which will be unveiled on Tuesday.

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