The Limited Times

17 year old died in off-road car, driver arrested

9/4/2022, 9:40:53 AM

The 21-year-old motorist was arrested driving the car that in the night, along the A21 motorway between Manerbio and Pontevico, in the Brescia area, went off the road and was traveling on a 17-year-old young woman who died instantly. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - BRESCIA, 04 SEPT - The 21-year-old motorist driving the car was arrested during the night, along the A21 motorway between Manerbio and Pontevico, in the Brescia area, went off the road and on which a young woman aged 17 was traveling on the spot.

The driver tested positive for the alcohol test with a blood value of 1.12 and he was under house arrest on charges of road murder.
