The Limited Times

Manoj Jansen: Green local politician invented Nazi threats

9/4/2022, 10:29:24 AM

Manoj Jansen was the victim of right-wing extremist attacks several times – the city of Erkelenz, on whose council the Green politician sat, showed solidarity. But now, according to the party, Jansen has admitted to having carried out the attacks himself.

Smeared swastika (symbolic image): Local politicians are said to have committed threats against themselves

Photo: Bernd Wüstneck / picture alliance / dpa

The green local politician Manoj Jansen from North Rhine-Westphalia is said to have carried out right-wing extremist attacks against himself.

Jansen has allegedly been attacked again and again since July: the window of his car was smashed and a mirror-inverted swastika smeared over it.

The man from Erkelenz is said to have received razor blades in the mail.

A letter signed "NSU 2.0" also appeared, in which September 1st was given as the date of his death - these are just some of the attacks that are said to have been perpetrated on Jansen.

The state security determined.

But now Jansen has admitted that he committed some of the attacks himself.

This emerges from a press release from the police and prosecutors.

Jansen himself has not yet commented publicly on this.

Jansen, 33, who also appears with his birth name Subramaniam, was city councilor for the Greens in Erkelenz until the weekend.

He has repeatedly reported right-wing crimes against him to the police since July.

In addition to the attack on his car, SS runes and a swastika were smeared on his doorbell.

At the time, Jansen told the »Rheinische Post«, which reported extensively on the alleged attacks: »I used to look over my shoulder outside when I crossed the street.

I felt safe in my apartment.

That's over now, I don't feel safe at home anymore."

The city of Erkelenz and the democratic parties of the district council and the district administrator showed solidarity with Jansen, the state security began to investigate.

But during the investigation, "the suspicion grew that the reported crimes did not occur, that they were faked and that there was no threat," as the police and public prosecutor's office wrote in Friday's statement.

Jansen had been questioned and searches had taken place.

The spokesman for the Greens in the Erkelenz council, Hans-Josef Dederichs, told SPIEGEL on Sunday that he had called Jansen on Friday.

Jansen told him he had "made up the threat against himself."

"He said his bike was stolen, the window of his car was smashed and the tires were deflated." According to Dederichs, that really happened.

"He probably did everything else himself," for example daubing the swastika on the car.

He probably also affixed the SS runes himself, sent the razor blades to himself in the mail and wrote the letter with the signature "NSU 2.0" himself.

»Solidarity abused«

The local branch of the Greens said in a statement that they were "stunned and shocked" about the incident.

"Manoj Jansen abused the solidarity not only of the Erkelenz Greens, but of all local politicians in the Heinsberg district and beyond," it said.

"Given the actual threats of right-wing violence that local politicians and many people of color face, his actions are inexcusable," Dederichs said in the statement.

Jansen was back from his offices on Friday – and left the party, it was said.

According to a Green Party website that is no longer available, Jansen grew up in Erkelenz, and his parents came to Germany in 1985.

"The political issues I stand for also include the fight against right-wing extremism and hate crime," Jansen wrote on the site.

And: that his goal is “open and honest local politics”.
