The Limited Times

Letta, Terzo Polo looks to the right, it is now clear

9/5/2022, 6:11:37 PM

"Calenda does what he believes, of course. It seems to me that it is clear by now: the Third Pole looks to the right. This is the confirmation of what we are saying, and that is that whoever wants to beat the right has only one useful vote, that for the center left. . (ANSA)

(ANSA) - PALERMO, 05 SEPT - "Calenda does what he believes, of course. It seems to me that it is clear by now: the Third pole looks to the right. This is the confirmation of what we are saying, and that is that those who want to beat the right have only one useful vote, that for the center left. All the others are votes that in one way or another help the right ".

Thus the leader of the Democratic Party, EnricoLetta, responding to reporters in Palermo.