The Limited Times

Monaco revives the enigmatic Christian Bérard

9/5/2022, 1:06:15 PM

Fashion designs, sets for the theater and the ballet, interiors and incredible paintings: decorator Jacques Grange stages this jack-of-all-trades of art from the 1930s and 1940s.

Special Envoy to Monaco

Who is Christian Bérard, this unclassifiable artist, jack-of-all-trades nicknamed "Bébé", a slightly devilish baby face, subject of "Excentric Baby", a masterful exhibition at the New National Museum of Monaco (NMNM).

Bérard, better known in the 1930s and 1940s as a theater and cinema costume designer and fashion designer than a true painter, is a whole world.

And, to bring it back to life, a decorator with a sensitivity close to his time was needed, like Jacques Grange, close friend of the late Marie-Laure de Noailles, whose portrait Bérard painted enthroned above the mica fireplace in the grand living room of the private mansion on the Place des Etats-Unis, in Paris.

He knew how to marvelously stage the secret universe of this magician who died suddenly in 1949, during a rehearsal of Les

Fourberies de Scapin

, at the Théâtre Marigny.

And this because, very young, he immediately understood the dimension of Bérard's art and his endearing personality, by…

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