The Limited Times

The Galtier method at the reveal of the Champions League

9/5/2022, 7:47:45 PM

Two months after the start of his mandate, the Parisian technician passes, with his players, an important test against Juve.

So far, so good.

Ensuring "

understanding the skeptics

" when he arrived on the Parisian bench, Christophe Galtier must drink whey today, while "


" PSG is unanimous.

It must be said that in two months, the 56-year-old Marseille technician has given a smile to all the red and blue people, again impatient before each Ligue 1 match. To be honest, Kylian Mbappé's extension at the end of May , has boosted a new dynamic at all levels.

In addition, Galtier has powers never seen in the Qatari era, since 2011.

To discover

  • Champions League fixtures and results

In addition, he works hand in hand with the boss of the sportsman, Luis Campos, whom he has known since their common years in Lille.

With Antero Henrique, in charge of sales during the summer transfer window, it is less fluid… Galtier notably criticizes the Portuguese for having let too many players go on loan, while he was waiting for transfers to recruit.

Certainly, Vitinha, Hugo Ekitike, Nordi Mukiele, Renato Sanches, Fabian Ruiz and Calos Soler have arrived.

But the former Nice coach was expecting a defender, Milan Skriniar.

We have to adapt

,” he grumbles, knowing well that his back line is just in number while the schedule will be daunting until the World Cup.

A Champions League campaign as a manager

Never mind, Galtier has “

a high quality workforce


Besides, this is no time for excuses.

After an almost perfect debut on the pitch (6 wins in 7 matches, 28 goals scored and 6 conceded), in terms of communication and locker room management, like the mini-crisis of the "penaltygate", the new PSG coach will find a Champions League which represents the number 1 ambition in Paris, the justice of the peace.

A Champions League that Galtier knows much less than most of his players, he who only did one campaign as a coach.

It was with Lille, during the 2019-20 season.

Six matches, five defeats, one draw.

Clearly, he will aim for a first victory in the most beautiful European competition this Tuesday (9 p.m.),

against Juventus Turin.


If I accepted this post, it is because I am capable

of it,” he said during his first press conference in Paris.

We will judge in C1.

Read alsoChampions League: "I don't think we're favorites in C1", the essence of Galtier's press conference

And this even if Galtier plays it modest, ensuring that PSG does not leave as a favorite in this competition.

It would be very reductive compared to the other competitors, he judges.

Each year, eight nine teams hope to win.

Each year, favorites do not go to the end, there are surprises, incredible scenarios, with the emotional lift on matches.

That the club has the ambition to win is legitimate.

Whether the club is a favourite, I don't think.

“And to add, about a Juve who wants to be more of a rival of Benfica than of PSG according to Max Allegri: “

I leave him his words … He has much more experience than me in C1, with surely the malice of an Italian coach whom I respect a lot.


One thing is certain: what we are seeing so far, in terms of content, figures and visual impression, is more than encouraging.

The fruit of the work of a voluntary, courageous, ambitious coach.

The comparison is not flattering for his predecessor, Mauricio Pochettino, crushed by the weight of a Parisian machine, chilly.

In his defense, the Argentinian did not have half of a quarter of the latitudes available to Galtier, supported 100% by Nasser Al-Khelaïfi.

Until further notice, the message passes

The proof with the establishment of a "


" in order to push the "


" towards the exit, or with the management of the playing time of the stars of the "MNM", who agree to be replaced or put on the bench without flinching.

Is this new?

It is above all an obligation in relation to the overloaded calendar.

They must all understand that they will not be able to play all the matches at 95 minutes.

I spoke to them about it, I told them that it will be like that, that it will be necessary to have the right attitude, to accept and value the entry of a partner

“, he explains.

Until further notice, the message is getting through.

And the implementation of the three-defender scheme is a success.

Obviously, it's easier when Neymar, Lionel Messi or Sergio Ramos evolve at their level, which was not the case in 2021-22.

This beautiful first impression would in any case not resist a failed campaign in the Champions League.

The real season begins now, even if Galtier does not have more pressure in C1 than usual.

At least that's what he assures.

The pressure, I've had it since I accepted this role, this mission to train this magnificent team, these magnificent players.

More pressure in this competition?

No way.

I want to play it, to show what we are capable of

, ”he says.

Before adding: “

I did not say that I had no pressure, but I have no additional pressure (smile).

She's already big enough as it is.